[Sigdl-l] Revitalized DLF Community Calendar Now Online

Rita Van Duinen RVanDuinen at clir.org
Wed Feb 10 10:45:34 EST 2016

We've recently improved and revitalized the DLF community calendar<http://digital-conferences-calendar.info/> -- for all things related to digital libraries & archives, DH, museums & cultural heritage, data curation, open science, digital publishing, and more!

The calendar has been in operation as a crowdsourced community resource since 2009, when it was founded by former CLIR postdoc<http://www.clir.org/fellowships/postdoc> Amanda French<http://amandafrench.net/> with a focus on digital humanities conferences. DLF expanded its scope in 2015, gave it some design love last week, and will be maintaining it as a one-stop-shop for events that matter to our members and broader community.

The new calendar is online at its original URL (as a standalone site<http://digital-conferences-calendar.info/>), and can be subscribed to, downloaded, or embedded in your website as we've done here<https://www.diglib.org/opportunities/calendar/>.

Ways to get involved with the community calendar:

  1.  Volunteer to help us keep it up to date for your interests! It's a breeze to set you up with access as a calendar editor (and if you're already a Google calendar user, it's seamless to toggle back and forth). Send an email to info at diglib.org<mailto:info at diglib.org?subject=Community%20Calendar%20Volunteer> and we'll get you going. (No big commitment required.)
  2.  Drop us a line to suggest events<mailto:info at diglib.org?subject=Community%20Calendar%20Request> for inclusion in the calendar, whether it's something you're planning, attending, or just see passing by on your screen.
  3.  Planning an event? You may find it helpful to consult the calendar when considering dates. And please let us know<mailto:info at diglib.org?subject=Community%20Calendar%20Request> as soon as you've got your dates locked down so we can help publicize your meeting and prevent conflicts!
  4.  Are you a developer or designer who wants to add functionality or help us improve the interface? Send a pull request<https://github.com/clirdlf/digital-conferences-calendar.info>.

Oliver Bendorf, program associate at the Digital Library Federation

find us online: diglib.org<http://www.diglib.org/> | follow us on Twitter: @CLIRDLF<https://twitter.com/clirdlf>

1707 L Street NW, Suite 650 | Washington, DC, 20036

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