[Sigdl-l] Reminder: RDAP14 CFP and Registration Open

Andrew Johnson Andrew.M.Johnson at colorado.edu
Fri Nov 15 11:26:12 EST 2013

REMINDER: RDAP14 Call for Proposals and Registration Open

Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2014
March 26-28, 2014
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina<http://www.sheratonsandiegohotel.com/>, San Diego, CA

RDAP14, the fifth annual Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, is accepting proposals (max. 300 words) for two panels, interactive posters, and lightning talks. Themes for RDAP14 were selected by this year's planning committee with input from previous years' attendees and RDAP community members.

Important Dates
November 25, 2013: Panel Presentations Submissions Due<http://www.softconf.com/asis/rdap-14/cgi-bin/scmd.cgi?scmd=basicSubmit>
December 16, 2013: Interactive Posters and Lightning Talks Submissions Due<http://www.softconf.com/asis/rdap-14/cgi-bin/scmd.cgi?scmd=basicSubmit>
February 14, 2014: Early Bird Registration<https://www.asis.org/Conferences/RDAP14/rdap14regform.php> Ends
March 26-28, 2014: RDAP14 Conference and Workshops<http://www.asis.org/rdap/>

Panel Presentations
We are seeking panelists for the following topics:

 *   Developing and implementing institutional policies for research data: ownership, preservation, and compliance.

This panel will discuss approaches institutions have taken to develop and implement policies for a variety of issues related to research data, including ownership, copyright, commercialization, privacy, embargoes, access controls, sharing, reuse, and preservation.

 *   Building data curation/management services on a shoestring budget.

This panel will discuss how to quickly start up data curation/management services with limited resources from the perspective of institutions that have recently done so in response to funding agency policies and/or other external factors.

Interactive Posters and Lightning Talks
We are soliciting posters and lightning talks on any of the following themes:

 *   Institutional policies for research data
 *   Building/expanding research data services
 *   Collaboration or tension between units involved with research data
 *   Institutional responses to government policies/guidelines concerning research data
 *   Systems/strategies for full-lifecycle research data curation
 *   Tools developed and/or used for data curation/management
 *   Digital preservation
 *   Data citation and reuse
 *   Data repositories (institutional/disciplinary/other)
 *   Education and training for research data management/curation

Submit your 300 word (maximum) summary or abstract, along with any supplementary documentation, for Panel Presentations by November 25, 2013. Submissions for Interactive Posters and (Seven Minute) Lightning Talks are due December 16, 2013. Submit your proposals for RDAP14 here: http://www.softconf.com/asis/rdap-14/cgi-bin/scmd.cgi?scmd=basicSubmit

In addition to the topics covered in the call, the RDAP14 program will include keynote speakers, hands-on workshops<http://www.asis.org/rdap/workshops/>, and curated panels on:

 *   Inter-unit collaboration and tension around research data services
 *   Responses to the OSTP public access memo
 *   NSF DataNet project updates

More details on the program coming soon!

View previous RDAP presentations and posters on our Slideshare<http://www.slideshare.net/asist_org/tag/rdap13> site. Links to previous Summits' programs, videos and articles in the ASIS&T Bulletin are available on our RDAP Past Events<http://www.asis.org/rdap/past-events/> page.

Keep up with RDAP news by joining our Listserv<http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/rdap>, following us on Twitter<http://twitter.com/RDAPsummit> or visiting our Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Research-Data-Access-Preservation-RDAP/125779237528763> page. For questions, contact rdapinfo at asis.org<mailto:rdapinfo at asis.org>. We look forward to hearing from you!

Andrew Johnson
RDAP14 Program Chair
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