[Sigdl-l] [Pasig-announce] August 20 PASIG Webinar: Building Communities and Services in Support of Data-Intensive Research

rhill at asis.org rhill at asis.org
Wed Aug 7 11:42:38 EDT 2013

The next PASIG monthly webinar will be August 20 at 11:30am EST. Stephen
Abrams has been a long-time contributor to the PASIG and is consistently one
of our most popular conference speakers. This webinar is free to ASIS&T
members, $20 for non-members. It will be archived. The registration website


Title:                      Building Communities and Services in Support of
Data-Intensive Research
Presenter:              Stephen Abrams, California Digital Library (CDL)


Information technology and resources are an integral and indispensable part
of the contemporary academic enterprise.  In particular, technological
advances have nurtured a new paradigm of data-intensive research. However,
far too much of this activity still takes place in silos, to the detriment
of open scholarly inquiry, integrity, and advancement. To counteract this
tendency, the University of California Curation Center (UC3) has been
developing and deploying a comprehensive suite of curation services that
facilitate widespread data management, preservation, publication, sharing,
and reuse. Through these services UC3 is engaging with new communities of
use: in addition to its traditional stakeholders in cultural heritage memory
organizations, e.g., libraries, museums, and archives, the UC3 service suite
is now attracting significant adoption by research projects, laboratories,
and individual faculty researchers. This webinar will present an
introduction to five specific services - DMPTool, DataUp, EZID, Merritt, Web
Archiving Service (WAS) - applicable to data curation throughout the
scholarly lifecycle, two recent initiatives in collaboration with UC
campuses, UC Berkeley Research Hub and UC San Francisco DataShare, and the
ways in which they encourage and promote new communities of practice and
greater transparency in scholarly research.


Stephen Abrams is the associate director of the University of California
Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library (CDL), with
responsibility for strategic planning, innovation, and technical oversight
of UC3's services, systems, projects, and collections.

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