[Sigdl-l] Fwd: OpenDOAR Maps Announcement

R. John Robertson robert.robertson at strath.ac.uk
Wed Jul 30 04:02:34 EDT 2008

Members of the list may be interested in this development from OpenDOAR,
(forwarded from Jisc-Repositories at jiscmail.ac.uk)
Please reply to: Peter.Millington at NOTTINGHAM.AC.UK

Apologies for cross-posting.
SHERPA is pleased to announce the addition of a Google Maps extension to 
/Open/DOAR, its directory of open access repositories 
(http://www.opendoar.org/find). Just run any search of the directory, 
and then change the output format from "Summaries" to "Google Map".
Here are a few examples:
1.  http://www.opendoar.org/find?format=gmap&cID=jp 
    - Repositories in Japan
2.  http://www.opendoar.org/find?format=gmap&lID=sp 
    - Repositories with Spanish language material
3.  http://www.opendoar.org/find?format=gmap&cID=us&ctID=6 
    - United States repositories holding theses & dissertations
4.  http://www.opendoar.org/find?format=gmap&search=Nottingham 
    - Keyword search for "Nottingham"
5.  http://www.opendoar.org/find?format=gmap&rSoftWareName=CONTENTdm 
    - Repositories using CONTENTdm software
If you click on one of the place markers, a bubble will pop up listing 
the repositories at that location with links to the repositories 
themselves and their institutions' home pages. For performance reasons, 
the amount of information in the bubbles is limited, but bearing this in 
mind, we would be like to know what data you would like to see there.
In adding the geographical coordinates, we have generally tried to pin 
repositories down to the street addresses of their institutions. 
However, in some cases we have only been able determine general 
coordinates for the home city. We would therefore be grateful if 
repository administrators could check the coordinates for their 
repositories - visible in the "Full records" layout. If necessary, 
please send us changes via the usual "Suggest an update" form.
This development was inspired by Stuart Lewis's /Repository66/ 
demonstrator (http://www.repository66.org), which mashes up /Open/DOAR 
and ROAR data.
We encourage you to explore the new facility. All feedback will be 
gratefully received.
Peter Millington & Jane Smith
SHERPA, University of Nottingham, England
Contact: +44 (0)115 84 68481
29th July 2008

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