[Sigdl-l] [Sigia-l] CFP: CITSA 2004 Workshop on Virtual Databases

ppich@vsnl.net ppich@vsnl.net
Tue, 03 Feb 2004 20:03:13 +0500


Creating Virtual Databases in the heterogeneous information world
(http=3A//www=2Edirf=2Eorg/citsa2004) =


TO be held in conjunction with CITSA 2004

The 10th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Syn=
thesis=3A ISAS 2004
and International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies=2C=
 Systems and Applications=3A CITSA 2004

July 21-25=2C 2004=2C New Orelando=2C Florida

The fast dynamics of the information available today has created large sc=
ale information repository with non-traditional data feeding methods=2E T=
he database technology available today is not sufficient to address the a=
ccess pattern of end users=2E The grist for many innovative kinds of disc=
iplines is datasets that requires disciplinary integration=2E The revolut=
ionary and innovative high-payoff research can lead to convert the semi-s=
tructured information deposits into well structured databases so as to cr=
eate new information systems=2E The efficient information retrieval from =
multiple repositories is determined by the creation of well structured da=
tabases=2E The database research is an endless effort=2E

The forthcoming workshop would address many database issues=2E

Papers are solicited on the following but not restricted=2E

Data feeding patterns
Semi and unstuructured datasets
Interdisciplinary datasets
Grid ready databases
Automatic storage management
Database security
Real application clusters
Data Recoverability issues
Portal Management
Web support databases
Web-based Information Systems
Multimedia information management
Information clustering =

Database for Digital Libraries =

Information Retrieval vs Databases
Distributed databases and distributed information retrieval
Scientific Datasets and Databases
XML Impact on Databases
Text integration into databases

Papers with a maximum of 6000 words can be submitted to the chair/co-chai=
rs=2E Abstract submission prior to the full papers  is encouraged=2E Abst=
racts(500 to 1000 words) and full papers can be submitted electronically =
to the chair=3A ppich=40vsnl=2Enet  or pichappan=40dirf=2Eorg Format of t=
he paper is as per the template of Journal of Digital Information Managem=
ent which is available at http=3A//www=2Edirf=2Eorg/jdim  Further informa=
tion is availabe with the chair=2E

Deadline=3A Abstracts Due March 1=2C 2004
Full Paper=3A Due March 15 2004
Acceptance Notification  March 31=2C 2004


P=2EPichappan=2C Annamalai University=2C India


TAV Murthy=2C INFLIBNET=2C India
Farideh Osareh=2C Shadid Chamran University=2C Iran
Harish Chandra=2C Indian Institute of Technology(Madras)=2C India

Program Committee(Pending)

Mario Cannataro=2C University =22Magna Gr=E6cia=22 of Catanzaro=2C Italy
Pierangelo Veltri=2C University =22Magna Gr=E6cia=22 of Catanzaro=2C Ital=
y =

Richard CHBEIR=2C Bourgogne University=2C France
Hanne Albrechtsen=2C Risoe National Laboratory=2C Denmark
Hsueh-hua Chen=3B National Taiwan University=2C Taiwan =

Saravanan Muthaiah=2C Multimedia University=2C Malaysia
Patrick van Bommel=2C University of Nijmegen=2C The Netherlands


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