[Sigdl-l] Registration Open - ICDL 2004 www.teriin.org/events/icdl

ICDL2004 ICDL2004@teri.res.in
Tue, 09 Dec 2003 14:11:28 +0530

Our apologies for cross postings=20
Final announcement- Registration Open

ICDL 2004=20
New Delhi
24-27 February 2004

International Conference on Digital Libraries: Knowledge creation, =
preservation, access and management

 We would appreciate disseminating this mail to your colleagues.

Digital libraries and knowledge management are innovations, the implementat=
ion of which is still nascent in developing countries. However, they hold =
the promise of becoming key technologies for knowledge creation and =
management in the future. In February 2003, the Government of India =
launched the National Mission for Manuscripts, aimed at preserving the =
valuable manuscripts in India. The mission is designed to undertake =
elaborate surveys, run awareness programmes, and impart training in =
conservation/preservation techniques. ICDL 2004 would contribute to the =
objectives of the mission by assembling a galaxy of experts, researchers, =
and academics from across the world to exchange ideas on digital libraries,=
 and related technologies and issues.

	.Bridge knowledge gaps between developing and developed countries
	.Initiate capacity building activities in digital libraries
	.Evolve  a road map for the digitization of archives, manuscripts, =
and libraries
	.Provide a forum for facilitating interaction amongst participants=
	.Formulate  recommendations on digitization technologies, Acts, =
and policies

Who should participate?
	.Library and information science professionals
	.IT professionals
	.Archivists and museologists
	.Content developers and knowledge managers
	.IT service providers
	.Information providers and vendors
	.Professionals from electronic publishing and virtual electronic=20=

	.All stakeholders in the digitization and knowledge business


                        Mr Jagmohan
             Hon'ble Union Minister for Tourism and Culture=20
                     Government of India
                        Dr Arun Shourie (invited)
             Hon'ble Union Minister for Communications=20
             and Information Technology
	             Government of India=20

                      Programme highlights

	.Conference sessions
	.Panel discussions
	.Business sessions

Day 1: 24 February 2004 (Tuesday)

8.00 a.m. 	Registration for Tutorials and=20

9.00-10.30 a.m.	TUTORIALS

TUTORIAL 1A                 TUTORIAL 1B            TUTORIAL 1C
Finding information 	       Ontologies and 	           Institutional=20=

through the Internet	       Thesauri	           repositories
and the WWW	        Nicola Guarino           T B Rajashekar
Paul Nieuwenhuysen
10.30-11.00 a.m.	Tea=09

11.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.	TUTORIALS

Build digital library  	          Knowledge Management=20
using open source             and Systems: development=20
software (GSDL)		    applications
Ian Witten		    Hsinchun Chen

1.00-2.00 p.m.	Lunch

2.00-4.00 p.m.	TUTORIALS

Dublin Core		    Metadata: XML/RDF
Stuart Weibel		    Erich Neuhold

                      6.00-7.00 p.m.
                  Conference Inauguration
                  Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

 Day 2: 25 February 2004 (Wednesday)

8.00 a.m.	Registration =09

9.00-9.30 a.m.	Keynote Address 1=09

9.30-11.30 a.m.	  TECHNICAL SESSION 1=09

ePublishing,               Digital library             Digital library=20
initiatives	                  multimedia, and        technology:
                                  Digital library             planning, =
		  evaluation	  and management
11.30 a.m.-12.00 noon	Tea=09

12.00 noon-1.30 p.m.   TECHNICAL SESSION 2

Digital library           Country initiatives/            Digital =
policy issues	       case studies	     architecture,=20
				             network and=20

1.30-2.30 p.m.	Lunch=09

2.30-3.30 p.m.	BUSSINESS SESSION 1=09

3.30-4.00 p.m.	Tea

4.00-5.30 p.m.	TECHNICAL SESSION 3

Digital divide	       Multilingual	     Metadata issues
		       metadata issues=09
7.30 p.m. 	Dinner
        Day 3: 26 February 2004 (Thursday)

9.00-9.30 a.m.	Keynote Address 2

9.30-11.30 a.m.	TECHNICAL SESSION 4

Content 	                      Knowledge 	   Semantics, =
management	      management	   and ontologies=09

11.30 a.m.-12.00 noon	Tea=09

12.00 noon-1.30 p.m. TECHNICAL SESSION 5

Copyright issues            e-Learning	  System scalability=20
and digital 	                                  and inter-operability
rights management			   =20

1.30-2.30 p.m.	Lunch

2.30-3.30 p.m.	BUSINESS SESSION 2=09

3.30-4.00 p.m.	Tea

4.00-6.00 p.m.	TECHNICAL SESSION 6

Archiving and 	      Retrieval systems   Human-machine=20
sharing cultural		                     interface, user
heritage and 		                      interaction
history globally	=09

	Day 4: 27 February 2004 (Friday)

9.00-9.30 a.m.	Keynote Address 3

9.30-11.00 a.m.	TECHNICAL SESSION 7

Manuscript: archiving     Digital library	    Digital library
and digitization  	       consortium	    communities

11.00-11.30 a.m.	Tea

11.30 a.m.-1.00 p.m. TECHNICAL SESSION 8

Futuristics	                       Digital library	   Digital library
		       services	           security=09

1.00-2.00 p.m.	Lunch

2.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.	PANEL DISCUSSION
	                Digital library policy and strategic

4.00 - 5.30 p.m.	Valedictory session

For programme details please go to icdl site: www.teriin.org/events/icdl
Advisory Committee=20

 Conference Co-chairs=09
.Mr Dhanendra Kumar, IAS, Secretary, Department of Culture, Ministry of =
Tourism and Culture, Government of India, New Delhi
.Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI, New Delhi, and Chairman,  =
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva=20
. Prof. N Balakrishnan, Professor and Chairman, Division of Information =
Sciences, IISc, Bangalore; Professor, School of Computer Science, Carnegie =
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA


.Ms Sudha Gopalakrishnan, Mission Director, National Mission for Manuscript=
s, Department of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Government of =
.Mr K Jayakumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Culture, Ministry of =
Tourism and Culture, Government of India, New Delhi
.Mr Yateendra Joshi, Fellow, TERI, New Delhi
.Dr Abhijit Lahiri, Adviser, Department of Scientific and Industrial =
Research, Government of India, New Delhi
.Dr S Majumdar, Director, Central Secretariat Library, Government of =
India, New Delhi
.Dr S S Murthy, Former Director, Defence Scientific Information and 	=
Documentation Centre, Government of India, New Delhi
.Dr T A V Murthy, Director, Information and Library Network Centre, =
.Dr Usha Reddi, Director, Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, =
The Commonwealth of Learning, New Delhi
.Dr S Sadagopan, Director, Indian Institute of Information Technology, =
.Mr H D Singh, Director-General, National Archives of India, New Delhi
.Prof. M Tawfik, Director, UNESCO New Delhi Office, UNESCO Representative =
to Bhutan, India, Maldives, and Sri Lanka
.Dr R K Verma, Executive Director, Centre for Development of Advanced =
Computing, Noida
.Dr N Vijayaditya, Director-General, National Informatics Centre, =
Government of India, New Delhi
.Dr Om Vikas, Scientist 'G' and Head, Computer Development Division, =
Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and =
Information Technology, Government of India

International Programme Committee

.Prof. Jos=E9 Luis Borbinha, Direction of Services for Innovation and =
National Library of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
.Dr Hsinchun Chen, McClelland Professor of MIS, Director, Artificial =
Intelligence Lab; Director, Hoffman E-Commerce Lab, University of Arizona, =
Management Information Systems, McClelland Hall, Tucson, USA
.Dr Gobinda Chowdhury, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer and =
Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1, Scotland, UK
.Dr Jean-Marc Comment, Archives f=E9d=E9rales suisses, Archivstrasse, =
Bern, Switzerland
.Dr Dieter W Fellner, Professor, Computer Graphics, University of =
Braunschweig, Germany
.Mr Simon Huggard, Systems Manager, Systems Support Unit, Monash University=
 Library, Monash University, Australia
.Prof. Leonid A Kalinichenko, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian =
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
.Dr Yan Quan Liu, Professor of Information and Library Science, School of =
Communication, Information and Library Science, Southern Connecticut State =
University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
.Prof. Gary Marchionini, Distinguished Professor, University of North =
Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA
.Dr Erich Neuhold, Chairman, IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries,=
 Professor, GMD-IPSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
.Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Head, Information and Documentation University =
Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
.Mr John Paschoud, Project Manager, ANGEL, DELIVER, SECURE, Information =
Systems Engineer of the Library, London School of conomics and Political =
Science, London, UK
.Dr Michael Seadle, Head, Digital and Multimedia Center, Copyright =
Librarian, 100 Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
.Dr Atul Sharda, E-learning Adviser, E-Learning Strategy Unit, Department =
of Education and Skills, London, UK
.Dr Stuart Weibel, Executive Director, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, =
OCLC Office of Research, Dublin, OH, USA
.Prof. Ian H Witten, Department of Computer Science, University of =
Waikato, New Zealand
.Dr Norman Wiseman, JISC Head of Programmes, University of Nottingham, =
Nottingham, UK

Steering Committee

.Mr K Jayakumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Culture, Ministry of =
Tourism and Culture, Government of India, New  Delhi
.Dr Leena Srivastava, Executive Director, TERI, New Delhi=09
 Conference Coordinator
.Mr Debal C Kar, Fellow and Area Convenor, Library and Information Centre, =
New Delhi

 Members =09
.Dr Jagdish Arora, Librarian and National Coordinator, INDEST Consortium, =
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
.Ms Martina Bartel, Head, Information=20
Department and Library Regional=20
Coordinator South Asia, Goethe Institut, New Delhi
.Ms Sudha Gopalakrishnan, Mission Director, National Mission for Manuscript=
Department of Culture, Ministry of=20
Tourism and Culture, Government of India, New Delhi
.Dr P R Goswami, Director, National Social Science Documentation Centre, =
Indian Council of Social Science Research,=20
Government of India, New Delhi
.Mr P Jayarajan, Head, Library and Information Services (India), British =
Council Division, British High Commission, New Delhi
.Dr H K Kaul, Director, Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi
.Dr S Majumdar, Director, Central Secretariat Library, Government of =
India, New Delhi
.Ms Rebecca McDuff, Information Resources Office and Public Affairs - US =
Embassy, American Center, New Delhi
.Mr M Moni, Deputy  Director-General,=20
National Informatics Centre, Government of India, New Delhi
.Dr Usha Mujoo-Munshi, Librarian, Indian National Science Academy, New =
.Dr V N Shukla, Director (Special Applications)
Centre for Development of Advanced =09
Computing, Noida
.Mr H D Singh, Director-General, National Archives of India, New Delhi
.Dr Shalini Urs, Professor and Head, Department of Library and Information =
Science Mysore University, Mysore=09

Eminent speakers

.Dr Jagdish Arora, Librarian and National Coordinator, INDEST Consortium, =
Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology,  New Delhi
.Prof. N Balakrishnan, Professor and Chairman, Division of Information =
Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
.Prof. Rahul Banerjee, Computer Science and Information Systems Co-ordinato=
r, Centre for Software Development; Assistant Dean, Distance Learning =
Programmes Division, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
.Prof. Jos=E9 Luis Borbinha, National Library of Portugal, Direction of =
Services for Innovation and Development, Portugal=20
.Dr Muniram Budhu, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and =
Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona, USA
.Dr Vinod Chachra, Chairman & CEO, VTLS Inc., VA, USA
.Dr Harish Chandra, Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of =
Technology - Madras, Chennai
.Dr Ching-chih Chen, Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information =
Science, Simmons College, USA
.Prof. Hsinchun Chen, Director, Artificial Intelligence Lab and Hoffman =
E-Commerce Lab, Management Information Systems, University of Arizona, =
.Dr Gobinda Chowdhury, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer and =
Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, UK =20
.Dr Jean-Marc Comment, Integration=20
Manager, Archives F=E9d=E9rales Suisses, Switzerland
.Dr Dieter W Fellner, Professor, Computer Graphics, University of =
.Dr Schubert Foo Shou Boon, Associate Professor and Head, Division of =
Information Studies, School of Communication and Information, Nanyang =
Technological University, Singapore
.Dr Nicola Guarino, Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory for Applied =
Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR, Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies=
, National Research Council,  Italy
.Prof. Amarnath Gupta, Director, Advanced Query Processing Lab, Data and =
Know-ledge Systems, San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of =
California, USA
.Mr Simon Huggard, Systems Manager, Monash University Library, Australia=20=

.Dr Ernie Ingles, Associate Vice-President (Learning Services) and Chief =
Librarian, University of Alberta, Canada=20
.Prof. Leonid A Kalinichenko, Professor, Institute of Informatics =
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
.Dr Yan Quan Liu, Professor, Information and Library Science, School of =
Communication, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
.Dr Javed Mostafa, Victor H Yngve Associate Professor of Information =
Science, Associate Professor of Informatics, Indiana=20
University, USA
.Dr T A V Murthy, Director, Information and Library Network Centre =
.Prof. Erich J Neuhold, Chairman, IEEE=20
Technical Committee on Digital Libraries; Director and Professor, =
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
.Dr Liddy Nevile, Adj. Associate Professor,=20
Applied Computing Research Institute, La Trobe University, Australia
.Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Head,=20
Information and Documentation,=20
University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
.Dr Peter Noerr, Chief Technology Officer, MuseGlobal, Salt Lake City, USA
.Dr Douglas W Oard, Digital Library Research Group, College of Library and =
Information Services, University of Maryland, USA
.Dr Harsha Parekh, Librarian and Professor of Library Science, SNDT =
Women's University, India
.Mr John Paschoud, Project Manager,=20
ANGEL, DELIVER, SECURE, Information Systems Engineer of the Library, =
London School of Economics and Political  Science, UK=20
.Dr Darren Peacock, Director, Information and Communications Technology,=20=

National Museum of Australia, Australia
.Dr Annelise Mark Pejtersen, Senior  Scientist, Systems Analysis Department=
, Ris=F8 National Laboratory, Denmark
.Dr T B Rajashekar, Associate Chairman, National Centre for Science =
Information, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Science, India
.Dr Andreas Rauber, Research Fellow, Department of Software Technology, =
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
.Dr Anshuman Razdan, Director, PRISM, Arizona State University, USA
.Prof. Bruce Royan, Chief Executive, Concurrent Computing Ltd, UK
.Prof. S Sadagopan, Director, Indian Institute of Information Technology, =
.Prof. Rajeev Sangal, Director, International Institute of Information =
Technology, Hyderabad
.Dr Peter Schirmbacher, Director, Computing and Media Services, Humboldt-Un=
iversity, Germany=20
.Dr Michael Seadle, Head, Digital and Multimedia Center; Assistant =
Director for Systems and Digital Services; Copyright Librarian, Michigan =
State University Libraries; Editor, Library Hi Tech; USA
.Dr Fabrizio Sebastiani, Instituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazion=
e, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
.Prof. Tengku Mohd T Sembok, Professor in Computer Science, Department of =
Information Science, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, =
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
.Dr Atul Sharda, E-learning Adviser, E-Learning Strategy Unit, Department =
of Education and Skills, UK
.Prof. Shigeo Sugimoto, Koichi Tabata, Tetsuo Sakaguchi, University of =
Library and Information Science, Japan
.Dr Shalini Urs, Professor and Head, Department of Library and Information =
Science Mysore University, Mysore=09
.Dr Stuart Weibel, Executive Director, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, =
OCLC Office of Research, USA
.Dr Norman Wiseman, JISC Head of Programmes, University of Nottingham, UK
.Prof. Ian H Witten, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University =
of Waikato, New Zealand
.Dr Vilas Wuwongse, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
.Dr Takeo Yamamoto, Director and Professor, Multimedia Information =
Division, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
.Ms Xu Yinchi, Professor, Director of Chinese Science Digital Library, =
.Prof. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia


The registration fee covers the conference kit, pre-conference proceedings,=
 lunches, dinner, and tea. It does not include other meals and accommodatio=

Registration fee*

For registrations done on or before 31 December 2003

Delegates        Tutorials                 Conference	Conference and =
Indian	        Rs 2000	        Rs 5000	        Rs 6000=09
Foreign	        US$ 75	        US$ 200	        US$ 225

For registrations done after 31 December 2003

Delegates       Tutorials	       Conference	Conference and =
Indian	        Rs 2500	        Rs 5500	        Rs 6500=09
Foreign	        US$ 100	        US$ 225	        US$ 250=09

* Additional registration from the same organization qualifies for a 10% =
discount .
* Students (full-time) can avail 50% discount.
* 25% special discount for foreign delegates from developing countries.


A registration form is sent along with this announcement brochure. The =
form can also be downloaded from the conference web site. The completed =
form, along with the registration fee should be sent to the ICDL 2004 =
Secretariat. Payment can also=20
be made through any of the following modes: local cheque /=20
bank draft favouring TERI and payable at New Delhi; credit=20
card; and bank transfer.

Registration confirmation

Confirmation of registration will be sent upon receipt of the=20
completed registration form and payment.

Cancellation and substitution policy

No cancellation or refund will be possible after a firm registration has =
been made. However, substitutions may be made. Please indicate, by 15 =
February 2004, the name and other necessary details, of the delegate who =
will replace the original registrant.

Conference venue:
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India

For conference details,contact

Mr Debal C Kar
Conference Coordinator
ICDL 2004 Secretariat
Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Place (India Habitat Centre)
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003

Telephone:   2465 1629, 2468 2100, or =20
	     2468 2111 (extn. 2724)
Fax	 :   2468 2144 or 2468 2145
E-mail	 :   ICDL2004@teri.res.in
Web	 :   www.teriin.org/events/icdl
	     India +91 * Delhi (011)