[Sigdl-l] The June 2002 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available

Richard Hill rhill@asis.org
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:17:59 -0400

[Forwarded.  Dick Hill]


The June 2002 issue of D-Lib Magazine http://www.dlib.org/
is now available. The
table of contents is at

There are four full-length features, several smaller
features in D-Lib Magazine=92s 'In Brief' column, excerpts
from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences
and other items of interest in 'Clips and Pointers'.  The
Featured Collection for June is DPDx, from the Division of
Parasitic Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and

The full-length features include:

Building the Biodiversity Commons
Thomas Moritz, American Museum of Natural History

Primary Multimedia Objects and 'Educational Metadata': A
Fundamental Dilemma for Developers of Multimedia Archives
Paul Shabajee, University of Bristol

Evaluation of Digital Library Impact and User Communities by
Analysis of Usage Patterns
Johan Bollen, Old Dominion University and Rick Luce, Los
Alamos National Library

The KYVL Kentuckiana Digital Library Project: Background and
Current Status
Eric Weig, University of Kentucky

D-Lib has mirror sites at the following locations:

UKOLN, Bath, England

The Australian National University Sunsite, Canberra,

State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of
G=F6ettingen, G=F6ettingen,

Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

(If the mirror site closest to you is not displaying the
June 2002 issue of D-Lib Magazine at this time, please check
back later.  There is a delay between the time of the
magazine is released in the United States and the time when
the mirroring process has been completed.)

Bonnie Wilson
D-Lib Magazine

DLib-Subscribers mailing list

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
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