[Sigcrit-l] ASIST meeting

Jens-Erik Mai jemai at u.washington.edu
Wed Nov 2 18:38:03 EST 2005

Let me point out the SIG structure has just been revised, so that it is
easier for a SIG to get the status it wants.  If you want to CRIT to be
a full/traditional SIG, the steps to do so are quite clear.  I have
included the new SIG Structure that was approved at the SIG Cabinet
meeting a few days ago.
ASIST SIG Reorganization
(Bylaws rev.10 10/30/05; Annual Report rev.5 10/30/05)
Accepted by SIG Cabinet, with friendly amendments (included), 10/30/2005
SIG Structure
ASIS&T recognizes two types of Special Interest Groups (SIGs):
traditional SIGs and virtual SIGs. SIGs can move back and forth between
traditional and virtual status from year to year.
Traditional SIGs serve their members by providing face-to-face learning
and networking activities as well as virtual communication options.
Traditional SIGs have at least one elected officer, sponsor or
co-sponsor, courses, workshops, or sessions at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting
or in other relevant venues (such as other conferences sponsored by
ASIST or meetings of other learned societies), maintain a SIG website,
create print or electronic publications to serve its members, and submit
annual reports. A SIG officer or his/her delegate is expected to attend
the ASIST Annual Meeting to participate in the SIG Cabinet Meeting and
SIG Rush, chair the SIG's Planning Session, and attend the All SIG
Planning Meeting. Traditional SIGs that do not meet four of the
following six criteria for a two-year period will be labeled inactive.
SIGs that continue to be inactive for a period of two years will be
1. Have at least one SIG officer;
2. Have submitted a SIG Annual report at least once in the past two
3. Have sponsored or co-sponsored a course, workshops or session at
ASIST Annual Meeting or in other relevant venues in the past two years;
4. Have sent a delegate to SIG Cabinet Meeting at least once in the past
two years;
5. Have issued at least one print or electronic publication (newsletter,
web page, wiki, blog, etc.) in the last year;
6. Maintain a SIG web presence (eg. website, wiki, blog, etc.) that is
regularly updated at least once per year and/or maintain a SIG
discussion group that averages at least six topic relevant postings per
month (not including those posted by HQ);
Virtual SIGS serve their members without face-to-face contact. They may
have at least one elected officer, have an active discussion list and a
current website or other online publication or presence. They submit
annual reports but SIG officers may or may not attend ASIST Annual
Meetings. Virtual SIGs that do not meet three of the following five
criteria will be declared inactive. Virtual SIGs that are inactive for
two years will be dissolved.
1. Have at least one SIG officer;
2. Have submitted a SIG Annual report at least once in the past two
3. Have issued at least one print or electronic publication in the last
4. Maintain a SIG web presence (eg. website, wiki, blog, etc.) that is
regularly updated at least once per year;
5. Maintain a SIG discussion group that averages at least six topic
relevant postings per month (not including those posted by HQ);
Virtual SIGs can become traditional SIGs at anytime by sponsoring
workshops or sessions at ASIS&T Annual or other relevant venues and
indicating such on their annual report.  Inactive SIGs can become active
again by meeting the criteria for an active SIG in their category and
indicating as such on their annual report.
SIG Sunset Provisions
ASIST SIGs that do not meet the standards of either traditional (four of
six criteria) or virtual SIGs (three of five criteria) for two
consecutive years will be declared inactive at the meeting of SIG
Cabinet during the annual ASIST meeting, held each year in the fourth
quarter. Upon being declared inactive, one or more members of the SIG
Cabinet Steering Committee will do the following to complete the
dissolution of the SIG:
1. Print out the latest membership and financial reports, SIG website,
SIG Charter, SIG Officers list and any other information deemed
important to document the purpose and activity of the SIG. If some of
this material is not available to SIG Cabinet Steering Committee, the
members should request it from ASIST Headquarters for this information;
2. Request that ASIST HQ close out the SIG account and transfer any
balance to the SIG central fund account. Print out a copy of the final
statement for archives. Request that the ASIST Director of Finance &
Administration removes the link to the SIG on the ASIST website and
deletes any pages hosted on ASIST servers after they have been archived.
We also need to remove the SIG name from the membership form as well;
3. Contact all of the remaining members of the SIG (by electronic
mailing list and/or individual e-mail), and inform them that the SIG has
been dissolved. SIG members may choose another SIG in place of the
dissolved SIG for the remainder of their membership year. Members should
respond to this e-mail to declare their new SIG choices to the SIG
Cabinet Steering Committee member(s), who will pass on this information
to ASIST Membership Services (Vanessa Foss);
4. All of the information collected in 1 and 2 above should be put into
a file and stored for a period of 5 years. Members who either wish to
reactivate the SIG or form a new SIG where there is close overlap to the
dissolved SIG may review the material archived, as it may help them
strengthen the development of the new SIG;
-----Original Message-----
From: sigcrit-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigcrit-l-bounces at asis.org] On
Behalf Of Ron Day
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:16 AM
To: Critical Information Theory
Subject: Re: [Sigcrit-l] ASIST meeting
Thank you.  But to be honest, I'm not sure, Frank.  As a virtual SIG we 
have a lighter load than most.  It would be nice for the SIG to succeed,

but the conditions in ASIST are not radically changing.  I guess what we

need to do is just keep going, sponsoring a panel now and then, organize

panels that we then attach our SIG name to, etc. As far as the ASIST SIG

administration goes, I've never been sure whether we elect officers, 
etc.  When we were denied full SIG status and deemed a virtual SIG a few

years ago, officers were not said to be needed, etc.  I'm not sure if 
this has changed, though.  I noticed--to my surprise--that we had a SIG 
table at the SIG cocktail party this year--this is the first time ever!!

And, we were placed on the ASIS SIG page about a year and a half ago.  
So, we are slowly emerging as the non-secret SIG-CRIT!  But, I'm not 
convinced that it is to our advantage to come fully above the radar yet 
as a full SIG, even if we could in terms of membership (I'm not sure if 
we have enough members for this) .  As you may remember, the very 
founding of the SIG was a rocky affair.
best, Ron
Frank Exner, Little Bear wrote:
>Dear Ron,
>What can I do for SIG-CRIT iin the coming year.  I am
>availlable and could use the experience (not to
>mention the CV-candy).  Besides I want SIG-CRIT to
>succeed more than ever.
>Frank, Little Bear
>--- Ron Day <roday at indiana.edu> wrote:
>>Dear fellow SIG-CRIT members,
>>I owe you an apology.  I thought that our SIG
>>meeting at ASIST was to be 
>>5-6, but instead, apparently, it was to be 4-5.  I
>>got there around 
>>4:40, but all that was there was some young fellow
>>napping (or passed 
>>out) on the floor in the dark room.  (I assume not a
>>member!!--I decided not to rouse him to find out.)
>>However, if there is anything that you would like to
>>discuss that we 
>>should have discussed, please feel free--of
>>course--to use this email 
>>space.  As a "virtual SIG" this is our cyber-space
>>Please accept my apologies for not being on time for
>>the meeting, 
>>particularly if you did show up.
>>Ron Day
>>School of Library and Information Science
>>Indiana University
>>Sigcrit-l mailing list
>>Sigcrit-l at asis.org
>Sigcrit-l mailing list
>Sigcrit-l at asis.org
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