[Sigcrit-l] After Globalisation: A Return to Marx? conference

Ron Day ronday at wayne.edu
Thu Jan 9 21:55:03 EST 2003

Another announcement that I thought might interest people on the SIGCRIT

Anyone lucky enough to be in Paris in February might be interested in the
Ron Day

>The Forum for European Philosophy Presents:


>After Globalisation: A Return to Marx?



>This two-day Anglo-French Conference, organised in Paris in association

>with the Collège international de philosophie and the journal Actuel Marx,

>is a sequel to an Anglo-French conference on 'Returns to Marx' held in

>London in June 2002. The purpose is to revisit certain strands of the

>Marxist tradition in the light of the phenomenon of globalisation and the

>various 'anti-capitalist' movements that have grown up in opposition to it.

>A particular aim will be to encourage dialogue between Anglophone and

>Francophone readers of Marx. The recent work of Jacques Derrida, especially

>Specters of Marx and Marx & Sons, will be a central focus of discussion.


>Venue: Amphithéâtre Poincaré, Collège international de philosophie, 1 rue

>Descartes 75005 Paris



>Thursday 27 February


>2pm:  Session One: The Fate of the Sovereign State Justin Rosenberg,

>University of Sussex "Globalisation, Sovereignty, Marx", with Monique

>Chemillier-Gendreau, University  of Paris-VII,  and Frédéric Neyrat,

>Collège international de philosophie


>5pm: Session Two: Round table with Jacques Derrida, EHESS (Paris) and

>Marcel Drach, Collège international de philosophie


>Friday 28 February


>9am: Session Three Cosmopolitism and Universality

>Susan Neiman, Einstein Forum, Potsdam, "Universality and the Future in Kant

>and Marx" and Jacques Bidet, University of Paris-X.


>11am: Session Four Empires and Imperialism

>Alex Callinicos, University of York, "Imperialism", and Daniel Bensaïd,

>University of Paris VIII


>2pm: Session Five The Globalisation  of Culture

>David Wood, Vanderbilt University, "Returns to Marcuse", and Jean-Jacques

>Lecercle, Université de Paris-X


>5pm: Session Six Capitalism

>Robin Blackburn, University of Essex "Pension Fund Collectivism and the

>Shareholding Proletariat", with Gérard Duménil, CNRS, Marcel Drach, Collège

>international de philosophie and Égidius Berns, University of Brabant.


>The Forum for European Philosophy is an educational charity which organises

>and runs a full and varied programme of philosophy and inter disciplinary

>events in the UK. Our events range from conferences, discussion and reading

>groups to seminars and book forums, all of which are open to the public and

>most of which are free. So if you are interested in philosophical dialogue

>and attending some culturally enriching activities then visit

>www.philosophy-forum.org or contact Catherine Lowe for further information.


>Catherine Lowe

>Forum for European Philosophy

>Room J101, European Institute

>London School of Economics

>Houghton St, London

>WC2 2AE

>Tel:020 7955 7539, Fax: 020 7955 7546

>C.Lowe at lse.ac.uk

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