[sigCR] SIG/CR nominations

Laura Elien Ridenour ridenour at uwm.edu
Sun Oct 15 12:33:54 EDT 2017

Hello Everyone,

I'm sending the following message on behalf of Barbara Kwasnik:

Dear SIG/CR Members,
It’s time to nominate candidates for officers of our SIG. Unfortunately, we sent out a call for nominations a few weeks ago, but apparently it has not made it to everyone, so here it goes again. We have extended the deadline for nominations to October 22.  We will then have a very quick turnaround period for voting, with a deadline of October 29. This is not strictly by the rules, but we’d like to have officers elected before the Annual Meeting if possible. Our SIG meeting is on Monday at the Annual Meeting at 12:30, where we’ll announce the winners.

We do not follow an overly formal nominations process only because there is usually a small number of people willing to stand. I’d like to encourage you to consider running or take a moment to think of someone who would. If you have questions or hesitations, just ask one of us. Gentle persuasion is also an old SIG/CR tradition.

At present, I am the Chair, Lala Hajibayova is the Chair-elect and will become Chair in November after the Annual Meeting, and Laura Ridenour is the Secretary/Treasurer. This year we do not have a formal communications officer – Laura has been doing double duty here as needed. As well, I’ve thought that we might try out a new position of Student Coordinator, a person who would take on being an advocate and resource for our newest members. This could be a student or someone recently graduated. If it’s successful, we could then formally make it part of our processes. If you’re interested in serving in this position, just please volunteer.

So, BY OCTOBER 22, please send me your nominations, with a brief explanation of why that person would serve us well. By all means feel free to nominate yourself. The term of office would start at the Annual Meeting, and continue for one year. It’s possible to re-elect the same person for any given office. We seek nominations for Chair-Elect, Treasurer Secretary, Communications Officer, and Student Coordinator

Here are the offices, and an abbreviated blurb from the ASIST SIG Officers Manual:

Serves as Cabinet Representative for the SIG
Submits the Annual Activities Plan to the SIG Cabinet Director and Headquarters. Develops and submits an annual budget in conjunction with the treasurer or secretary/treasurer. Manages SIG affairs, including chairing the annual planning meeting and provides accurate minutes of all SIG meetings. Submits the Annual Activities Report to the SIG Cabinet Director and Headquarters.

The chair-elect, who automatically becomes chair in the following year, works closely with the chair in planning and executing SIG programs and serves as the Alternate SIG Cabinet Representative. It’s traditional in our SIG that the Chair-Elect coordinates the SIG’s participation in the Annual Conference – panels and workshop.

Keeps records of all meetings and correspondence to members and assists in making logistical arrangements for SIG meetings and activities. Must also be aware of Society policies regarding SIG finances and expenses, as this officer, in cooperation with the chair, prepares and submits the SIG's budget and receives the SIG's quarterly financial statements.

Communications Officer. In our SIG we need a person who will be familiar with social media and other methods of communication. Maintenance of our website, and coordination with the production of our workshop proceedings and other publications. Great job for a new member.

And, on an experimental basis let’s try Student and New Member Coordinator. Someone who will become familiar with resources and opportunities for students, such as the New Leaders Program, scholarships and awards. We have a strong tradition of welcoming and supporting students and new members.

Step up and get involved. Once again, nominations due to me October 22! bkwasnik at syr.edu<mailto:bkwasnik at syr.edu>   See you at ASIST! Barbara

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