From announce at Sun Jul 2 10:38:19 2017 From: announce at (DCMI Announce) Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2017 07:38:19 -0700 Subject: [sigCR] Submission deadline EXTENDED for the NKOS Workshop at DC-2017 Message-ID: ==========Please excuse the cross-posting========== *NKOS Workshop at DC-2017: Call for Participation Extended* The 11th U.S. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop will take place on Saturday, October 28 as part of DC-2017 in Crystal City, VA (Washington, D.C.). Proposals are invited for Presentations and Demos. *Important Dates:* *EXTENDED* *Submission deadline:* Monday, July 18, 2017 *Notification of acceptance:* Tuesday, August 15, 2017 *Submission:* For more information and to submit a proposal, please visit the NKOS Call for Participation at on the DC-2017 website. *Workshop Themes:* Research Data Management (RDM). NKOS welcomes presentations that focus on the knowledge organization issues related to controlled vocabularies, name authority, taxonomy, and other KOS to enable access to collections, e.g., in order to be able to replicate scientific results. What are the KOS requirements related to data storage and preservation; and communication, coordination and collaboration to support librarian and researcher needs? Aggregation. The objective of linked open data is to provide distributed access to vocabularies and content that uses vocabularies. Actually using vocabularies to aggregate distributed content is a special case that reconstructs collections that are now dispersed. Examples include Renaissance artist sketchbooks, natural history collections from enlightenment humanists, etc. Metadata Enrichment. This theme relates to reusing existing metadata sources and adding additional controlled vocabularies, name authority, taxonomy, and other KOS to create new resources. E.g., building a new data resource based on selecting content from the Code of Federal Regulations and enriching the collection by adding new vocabularies. Authority Control. How does authority control work in a global linked data community? What agencies should and are willing to be responsible for the names of public agencies, companies, subsidiaries, brands and trademarks, and artists who constitute a national group based on birth place and/or area of activity. Metrics and Quality. How are controlled vocabularies, name authority, taxonomy and other KOS quantified and qualified? What are the appropriate dimensions of use and validation. Does Google Analytics have a role? Are there other methods and practical applications? Life Cycle Management. What is the common lifecycle of terms within controlled vocabularies, name authority, taxonomy and other KOS? What are the downstream impacts and best practices for handling of vocabulary changes? *Program Committee:* - Joseph Busch, Taxonomy Strategies - Jane Greenberg, Drexel University - Diane Hillmann, Metadata Management Associates - Gail Hodge, Information International Associates - Kathryn La Barre, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne - Jian Qin, Syracuse University - Dagobert Soergel, University at Buffalo - Joseph Tennis, University of Washington - Diane Vizine-Goetz, OCLC Research - Marcia Zeng, Kent State University From bkwasnik at Thu Jul 13 11:02:11 2017 From: bkwasnik at (Barbara H Kwasnik) Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017 15:02:11 +0000 Subject: [sigCR] This year's SIG/CR Workshop -- Call for Papers Message-ID: <> Dear SIG/CR members, We?re pleased to announce this year?s workshop. The planning committee (Lala Hayibayova, Rob Montoya, Laura Ridenour, Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, and I) have been working on this idea for some time now. Our goal is to WAKE UP SIG/CR! The Workshop is meant to be a launching pad for many SIG/CR projects in the future. We want it to be both conceptual and practical, but we also know that multi-perspective classification efforts are complicated and difficult. Who else is better to tackle the basics than we are? So, please send in a short concept paper. We want the Workshop to be filled with ideas and thus will try to accommodate as many opportunities for participation as possible in the time allotted to us. Best paper award! Scholarships for grad students! The proceedings will be published in Advances in Classification Research Online. Please distribute the call far and wide. Note, though, that the deadline for papers is August 15 so no time to dally. With best regards, Barbara (Chair, SIG/CR) Call for Concept Papers & Presentations: ASIS&T SIG/CR Workshop on Building a Research Agenda for Multi-Perspective Knowledge Representation Workshop sponsored by ASIS&T Special Interest Group/Classification Research (SIG/CR) October 27, 12:30-5:30pm - ASIS&T Annual Meeting, October 27-November 1, 2017, Crystal City, VA, USA Please feel free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts you think may be interested. Important Dates: August 15 Concept papers due August 16-23 Papers reviewed August 24 Authors notified September 15 Revised papers due October 20 Workshop Participants receive copies of all papers as pre-reads October 20 Presentations/slides due Submission: To submit a concept paper (maximum 1,500 words), please email Lala Hajibayova at lhajibay at We invite contributions for academic research, case studies, work-in-progress and PhD Research. Concept papers for non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main themes are also welcome. A prize will be awarded to the best paper. For more information visit the SIG/CR site at Workshop Goals: Ontologies, classifications, and controlled vocabularies, are built to represent the knowledge of a specific domain and thus represent the particular entities and relationships of that domain from that community's perspective. But, what if we want to represent many perspectives? What are the conceptual and technical issues of creating a relationship among ontologies that collect and represent multiple views and are often maintained by diverse constituencies? The goal for the workshop is to identify, define, and compile a set of principles and practices for integrating and coordinating knowledge-representation schemes from different perspectives and for application in a variety of contexts without losing the integrity or personality of the contributing schemes. Topics of Interest for Concept Papers: Bearing in mind that the purpose of the workshop is to compile a list of issues and practices rather than a particular knowledge structure, we solicit short papers related to any of the following: ? Purposes, motivations, and functions of multi-perspective classification systems ? Knowledge structures and ontological data models in specific domains that exhibit particular aspects relevant to workshop goals ? Issues in building multi-perspective classification structures ? Thoughts on how to accommodate for growth and expansion of classification/knowledge organization systems ? Examples of data models and systems maintaining particular "views" or "dimensions" of knowledge representation with respect to space, population type and culture (local vs. global, individual vs. community/society views), time (diachronic vs. synchronic, contemporary vs. historical views), opinion and authority (expert vs. crowds, viewpoint-dependent vs. consensual, subjective vs. objective views), and scope (intra-disciplinary vs. inter-disciplinary) ? Issues of authority and autonomy ? Rules or practices to support multi-perspective work ? Issues related to modeling and reconciling relationships between knowledge systems ? Issues of maintenance and classification system evolution Workshop Structure: ? Part 1, Presentations: Laying the Conceptual Framework. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present a concise version of their paper, followed by a 5-minute moderated discussion led by the respondent ? Part 2, Collaborative Session: Identifying Issues. Starting with existing schemes/ontologies, we will look for approaches and techniques to harmonizing and integrating different views. We will consider the fundamental components of a generic multi-perspective classification model, such as terms, conceptual relationships, cross-perspective relationships, and overall structure. After the Conference: The workshop outcomes will be summarized in a paper and the proceedings (including the papers) will be published in Advances in Classification Research Online. Cost: The registration rates will be $115 for members, $125 non-members, including a coffee break. Graduate Student Scholarships: SIG/CR is dedicated to supporting graduate student involvement. Limited scholarships are available and will be distributed to all registered graduate students. Questions: Please email Lala Hajibayova at lhajibay at Workshop Co-Chairs: Lala Hajibayova, PhD., Kent State University Barbara H. Kwa?nik, Ph.D., Syracuse University Robert D. Montoya, PhD., Indiana University Bloomington Laura Ridenour, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Ph.D., Bar-Ilan University From klabarre at Thu Jul 20 12:40:23 2017 From: klabarre at (LaBarre, Kathryn Anne) Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 16:40:23 +0000 Subject: [sigCR] ASIST 80th Anniversary - request for your assistance! Message-ID: <> Greetings, I'm writing to you, in my capacity as Chair of the ASIST 80th Anniversary Advisory Group. This group is advising Wiley (the JASIST publisher) on their project to identify key and high impact papers in JASIST. For their part Wiley conducted a bibliometric study of highly cited papers, ranked by decade. As part of this initiative the 80thAG is soliciting nominations of JASIST papers that have been central to your own work, or to that of your SIG. Wiley realizes that articles can be quite useful without attracting citations, so we are reaching out to SIG members! In early September, all ASIST members will have a chance to vote on the most significant JASIST paper for each decade. The papers span the years 1956-2017. The outcome of this initiative will be a Wiley-hosted website that features access to select papers. ASIST members will be able to add comments and images. This website will launch during the upcoming annual meeting in Washington, DC. Please send your paper nominations (in the form of a citation) by August 15th to klabarre [at] -- Kathryn La Barre Director at Large, Association for Information Science and Technology Chair ASIST Anniversary Advisory Group Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign