[sigCR] DCMI webinar: Save the Children Resource Libraries - Aligning Internal Technical Resource Libraries with a Public Distribution Website

DCMI Announce announce at dublincore.net
Tue Dec 12 04:23:59 EST 2017

A reminder: this webinar will be held on December 13th 10:00am – 11:00am EST

DCMI is pleased to announce a new webinar: "Save the Children Resource
Libraries: Aligning Internal Technical Resource Libraries with a Public
Distribution Website".

Presented by Joseph Busch, Founder of Taxonomy Strategies (
http://taxonomystrategies.com), the webinar will discuss a recent project
which has established an internal library of technical resources at the
international *Save the Children* charity. Focussing on how this library
has been aligned with the external Save the Children’s Resource Centre (
http://resourcecentre.savethechildren.se/), the webinar will describe how
the project has "...reached consensus on how to accommodate and balance
internal research and external communication requirements by developing a
light-weight application profile."

The webinar is scheduled for December 13, 2017, 10:00am – 11:00am EST
(convert this time to your local timezone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/
Libraries+Webinar&iso=20171213T10&p1=263&ah=1) and is free for DCMI members.

Full details, including instructions for joining the webinar:


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