From kathryn.labarre at Mon Nov 28 19:34:35 2016 From: kathryn.labarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 18:34:35 -0600 Subject: [sigCR] Fwd: First call for participation NASKO 2017 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: *Call for Participation (NASKO 2017)* *Visualizing Knowledge Organization: Bringing Focus to Abstract Realities* ISKO C/US invites submissions of abstracts for its Sixth North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2017) to be held June 15-16, 2017, in Champaign, IL, USA. Conference Venue: the iSchool at Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Deadline for Proposals: February 1, 2017 Knowledge organization and the systems that constitute its primary products seek to to make abstractions of knowledge concrete. Visualization is an increasingly popular way to create pictorial representations of knowledge using diverse methodologies, which seek to aid in the clarity of the comprehension and understanding of knowledge abstractions and their organization in knowledge space. Also, metaphorical ?visualization? can involve the use of diverse methodologies to focus and enhance breadth of viewpoints in knowledge space. The Sixth North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2017) invites participants to bring forth approaches to visualizing knowledge, knowledge organization, and knowledge organization systems. Possible topics to explore include: theory of KO, history and foundations of KO, legacy and emerging KOSs, epistemological stances in KO, visual approaches to KO, domain analytical approaches to KO, cultural approaches to KO, sustainability and KO, the future of KO, and anything else. Proposals for research papers, position papers, posters, and a doctoral symposium are welcomed. Acceptable languages for conference submissions include English, French, or Spanish. Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals. Proposals should include the name(s) of the author(s), their complete mailing and e-mail addresses, and their telephone numbers. The title of the proposal should include a term denoting the category of submission: Paper, Poster, Doctoral Symposium. All proposals should be uploaded to the EasyChair conference site: *Proposal categories:* *Research and Position Papers: *Proposals should include a title and be no more than 1500 words with citations (citations not included in word count). Proposals should situate themselves within the extant literature of knowledge organization, and have a clearly articulated theoretical grounding and methodology. Those that report on completed or ongoing work will be given preference. Diverse perspectives and methodologies are welcome. *Posters: *Proposals should include a title and be no more than 500 words with citations (citations not included in word count). *Doctoral Symposium: *This is an opportunity for doctoral students to discuss their research in progress in a 15-minute presentation. Proposals should consist of a 500-word abstract with citations (citations not included in word count) and a one-page CV. Students will also have the opportunity to attend a general advising session to discuss their CVs, service commitments, and the job market. Students accepted into the doctoral symposium will have their conference registration fees waived. *Publication:* All accepted papers will be published online. The papers most highly-ranked during the peer-review process will, with permission of the authors, be published, in full, in a future issue of *Knowledge Organization*. *Important Dates* February 1, 2017: Submission deadline. March 6, 2017: Notification to authors. April 1, 2017: Final copy submission. *Bursaries for students* ISKO C/US will offer a limited number of bursaries for students presenting at the conference. Application guidelines will appear on the ISKO C/US website later this year: *Planning Committee* Kathryn La Barre, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Thomas Dousa, University of Chicago Patrick Keilty, University of Toronto Barbara Kwasnik, University of Syracuse Hur-Li Lee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Richard Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Laura Ridenour, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee *Program Committee* Richard Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, co-chair Laura Ridenour, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, co-chair nasko.cu2017 at Ann Graf, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Athena Salaba, Kent State University Daniel Mart?nez ?vila, Universidade Estadual Paulista ? UNESP Christina Pattuelli, Pratt University Dagobert Soergel, University at Buffalo Eva Hourihan Jansen, University of Toronto Gercina Lima, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai Hur-Li Lee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Jane Greenberg, Drexel University Jonathan Furner, University of California Los Angeles Karen Snow, Dominican University Lynne Howarth, University of Toronto Marcia Zeng, Kent State University Rachel Clarke, University of Syracuse Sandy Roe, Illinois State University Thomas Dousa, University of Chicago Rick Szostak, University of Alberta Melodie Fox, Bryant and Stratton College *Richard P. Smiraglia, Professor, Knowledge Organization Research Group Interim Director PhD Program, School of Information Studies University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and Editor-in-Chief, Knowledge Organization smiragli at * -- Kathryn La Barre