From klabarre at Sun Jul 6 12:30:54 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2014 11:30:54 -0500 Subject: [sigCR] Reminder deadline for SIG Publication of the Year is July 15 Message-ID: Reminder: Deadline is July 15th! Full details here: What is an eligible publication? Any type of SIG Publication including newsletters, transactions, directories, or other publications. To be considered, a publication must be in a format that is readable/usable by the jury members. NOTE: You must submit/upload an electronic copy of the publication!! Publications must have been produced between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Criteria for evaluation: (a) Relevance for the SIG members; (b) Societal or scholarly significance of the topic discussed; (c) Creativity and originality of the content; (d) Clarity of expression; and (e) Presentation quality. How do I nominate a publication? Visit the submission area>> Please contact the chair of the jury for this award or the SIG Cabinet chair if you have any questions: Kathryn La Barre (SIG Cabinet Chair) klabarre at Heather Pfeiffer, (Jury Chair and Deputy SIG Cabinet Director) heather at -- From gcampbel at Sat Jul 12 10:44:30 2014 From: gcampbel at (Grant Campbell) Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:44:30 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Call for Proposals: SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, November 1, 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Apologies for Cross-Posting: On behalf of Dr. Jonathan Furner, program chair for SIG/CR 2014, I am delighted to present the following call for proposals for our 2014 Classification Research Workshop, to take place on November 1, 2014, just prior to the annual ASIST meeting in Seattle, WA. Regards, Grant Campbell Call for Proposals: ?Universal Classification in the 21st Century? SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop Saturday, November 1, 2014 ASIST Annual Meeting Seattle, WA ASIST?s Special Interest Group in Classification Research will hold its annual Classification Research Workshop as part of the ASIST Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, on November 1, 2014. The Workshop Program Committee is currently inviting proposals for papers to be presented at the workshop. DUE DATES: Proposals are due on Friday, August 15. Please submit your proposal in PDF or RTF format to Jonathan Furner at furner at Notice of acceptance will be sent before the Earlybird Deadline for the ASIST Conference Registration. THEME As our global information environment moves further into the twenty-first century, historic tensions continue to challenge us: the tensions between universal standards and local variations; between empirical and critical-discursive approaches; between an infrastructure that pushes us towards homogeneity and communities that insist on their specificity and individuals who insist upon their rights to privacy. In particular, recent trends in the areas of both linked data and big data suggest that much of our information environment will be shaped by the need for an underlying infrastructure of classification that will enable us to combine data collected from different sources and for different purposes. Whatever the future holds for professional bibliographic control, crowdsourced indexing, big data algorithms or linked data ontologies, our future information environment will be shaped by harmonization: developing the means to reconcile diversity into a coherent structure than facilitates the development of information systems and information communities that do tangible good for their users. With such a pressing need for harmonization, the time is ripe to revisit the great general classification schemes: the Dewey Decimal Classification, the Library of Congress Classification, and the Universal Decimal Classification. As instances of universal classificatory synthesis, these systems, in their rich history and active maintenance stand on the threshold of an intriguing, but as yet undefined future role in the twenty-first century. They could serve as exemplars and prototypes of future systems; they could be adapted into universal ontologies in their own right; they could exist in a dialogic and contrapuntal relationship with systems designed on different principles. Topics appropriate to the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following: actions, decisions, goals, interests, needs, tasks of GCS users activist, critical, discourse-analytic, postcolonial, queer approaches to the study of GCSs analytical, epistemological, formal, historical, ontological, rationalist, semantic, semiotic approaches to GCS design automatic GCS-construction, classification, clustering benefits and risks of globalization, localization, standardization, universalization bibliometric, computational, graph/networktheoretic, probabilistic, statistical approaches to GCS design big data and GCSs cognitive, empirical, naturalistic, pragmatic, social, taxonomic approaches to GCS design conceptual and formal models for GCSs design and evaluation of GCSs, of interfaces to GCSs, of methods of research into GCSs ethical and political issues for GCS developers and users evaluation of the use and/or utility of GCSs folk/natural classifications and GCSs folksonomies and GCSs graphical displays and visualizations of GCS class hierarchies, networks, queries, results hybrid designs for the integration of crowdsourced and institutional content information retrieval and GCSs interoperability among GCSs, and between GCSs and special classification schemes knowledge discovery and GCSs knowledge production and GCSs Linked Open Data and GCSs Semantic Web and GCSs use of GCSs by specific groups, and/or for specific purposes use of GCSs in discipline-, domain-, field-, industry-, institution-, organization-specific contexts web search and GCSs web services and GCSs FORMAT OF PROPOSALS: Authors wishing to present a paper may submit a 500-word extended abstract. Extended abstracts should contain citations (not included in the word count). Presentations will be a maximum of 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. After the workshop, full papers will be published online in Advances in Classification Research Online, -- ------------------- D. Grant Campbell Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 519-661-2111 ext.88483 From mzeng at Fri Jul 25 10:10:51 2014 From: mzeng at (ZENG, MARCIA) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:10:51 +0000 Subject: [sigCR] FW: Call for Participation: 13th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop at JDL 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: On 7/25/14 8:30 AM, "Douglas Tudhope" wrote: >A provisional list of presentations is now available for the 2014 NKOS >workshop. > >ogramme.html > >Note that early bird (reduced rate) registration closes Friday 8th August. > > (please make a note that it is for NKOS workshop) > >The 13th European NKOS workshop will take place on the afternoon of >Thursday Sept 11th and morning of Friday 12th. as part of JDL 2014 >(joint JCDL/TPDL conferences) in London. > >We hope to see you in London. > >Doug and NKOS workshop organizing committee > >----------------------------------------------------------------------- >Douglas Tudhope >Professor, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science University of >South Wales Pontypridd CF37 1DL Wales, UK Tel +44 (0) 1443-483609 > >Editor : The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia > > > > > > > >