From sitis at Mon Sep 2 07:43:07 2013 From: sitis at (SITIS'13) Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 13:43:07 +0200 Subject: [sigCR] The 9th international conference SITIS-13 Apologies for multiple diffusion CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ====================================================================== The 9th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET-BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS-13) December 2 - 5, 2013 Kyoto Terrsa, Japan In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing ====================================================================== The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional structured data and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS 2013 aims to provide a forum for high quality presentations on research activities centered on three main tracks: ****** Track on SIGNAL & IMAGE TECHNOLOGIES (SIT) It focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing and pays particular attention to evolutions in audiovisual signal processing, analysis, coding and authentication, and retrieval techniques. The track calls for research papers and reports directed at several areas including:Image Processing and Analysis, Signal processing, Image/Video Coding and Authentication, and Applications ****** TRACK on WEB COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (WeCA)" It's focus is on emerging and novel concepts, architectures, technologies, and methodologies for information management related to the Web and cloud computing. In essence, the Web, with its different versions, has created an interconnected world in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance, etc. Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging applications requires solutions that address new issues and challenges. The track calls for research papers and reports directed at several areas including: Data Semantics,Web-Centric Systems, Big Data, Information System Interoperability, Cloud, Cooperative information and Distributed Systems, and Information security ****** Track on MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AND APPLICATION (MIRA) It focuses on emerging modeling, representation and retrieval techniques that take into account the amount, type and diversity of multimedia information accessible in distributed computing environment. The internet, social networking, multimedia databases and management of multimedia cultural collections have created the need for cross-fields models, paradigms and techniques for efficient modeling, management and consumption of multimedia contents. The track calls for research papers and reports directed at several areas including Multimedia Query and Retrieval; Mobile and Location-Based Media, Social media and Social networking, Multimedia Security, and Multimedia Arts, Entertainment and Digital Culture. Submission and publication The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS-13 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. Journal special issue Extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications edited by Springer. Important dates * Paper Submission: September 8, 2013 * Acceptance/Reject notification: October 6, 2013 * Camera ready: October 13, 2013 * Author registration: October 20, 2013 Committees ----------- General Chairs: Setsuo Tsuruta, Tokyo Denki University, Japan Ernesto Damiani, Universit? degli Studi di Milano, Italy WeCA Track Chairs: Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France Richard Chbeir, University of Pau, France MIRA Track Chairs: Shin'ichi Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Yuichi Nakamura, Kyoto University, Japan SIT Track Chairs: Andrea Kutics, International Christian University, Japan Albert Dipanda, University of Bourgogne, France More details about each track and detailed topics can be found on the conference website: From aida at Tue Sep 3 13:47:32 2013 From: aida at (Aida Slavic) Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 18:47:32 +0100 Subject: [sigCR] INVITATION FOR REGISTRATION: Classification & Visualization, The Hague, 24-25 October 2013 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> *Apologies for cross-posting* === INVITATION FOR REGISTRATION === International UDC Seminar 2013 entitled "Classification & Visualization: Interfaces to Knowledge" will take place on Thursday 24 - Friday 25 October in the National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), The Hague Conference website: The objective of this conference is to explore cutting edge advances and techniques in the visualization of knowledge across various fields of application and their potential impact on developments in the more main stream bibliographic and documentary classifications. The conference will be opened by Prof. W. Boyd Rayward, well-known historian of the international organization of knowledge and the history of documentation and information science. His keynote address will set the scene for discussions on models and metaphors of knowledge and information visualization that bridge historical and technological perspectives. A series of eminent speakers will follow: Lev Manovich, Kathryn La Barre, Fabrice Papy, Marcel Worring, Luca Rosati, Andrea Resmini, Scott Weingart, Richard Smiraglia, Charles van den Heuvel, Andrea Scharnhorst etc. To learn more about conference programme and to register go to the conference website Registration closes on 15 October 2013: EUR220 regular fee, students EUR180 Contact: seminar2013 at About the organizer: Classification & Visualization is the fourth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDC Consortium). We look forward to seeing you in October. =========================== From gcampbel at Fri Sep 6 12:19:41 2013 From: gcampbel at (Grant Campbell) Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 12:19:41 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Election of Chair-Elect for SIG/CR In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Greetings to SIG/CR Members! As the Chair-Elect of SIG/CR, I will become the Chair at the next meeting in November. So the time has come to elect a new Chair-Elect for the 2013-2014 year. Dr. Jonathan Furner, who is well-known in our community, has graciously agreed to stand for this position. Here's a link to his home page: Other members, however, are free to put their names forward, or the names of other members. If you go to the link below, you will be able to cast your vote either for Jonthan or for someone else. The election will run until September 15, 2013. Vote here: Thanks to you all, and we look forward to seeing many of you in November in Montreal. Cheers, Grant Campbell -- ------------------- D. Grant Campbell Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 519-661-2111 ext.88483 From gcampbel at Sat Sep 7 14:04:44 2013 From: gcampbel at (Grant Campbell) Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 14:04:44 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Election of Chair-Elect for SIG/CR: Revised Link In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Hello again, everyone: In my recent notice, I provided a link to the website of Jonathan Furner, who is running for the position of Chair-Elect of SIG/CR. Unfortunately, I unwittingly linked you to an outdated page. It's true what they say, apparently: what happens on the Web stays on the Web....forever. To learn more about Jonathan Furner's scholarly activity today, please follow this link: And once again, if you go to the link below, you will be able to cast your vote either for Jonthan or for someone else. The election will run until September 15, 2013. Vote here: Thanks, Jonathan, for the heads-up. And apologies to all classification theorists for simply googling Jonathan's name and taking the first site that came up. I should know better. Cheers, Grant -- ------------------- D. Grant Campbell Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 519-661-2111 ext.88483 From Richard.Chbeir at Sun Sep 8 16:53:02 2013 From: Richard.Chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 22:53:02 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [sigCR] CFP IEEE/ACM SITIS 2013 (extended deadline): 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (December 2-5, 2013 - Kyoto, Japan) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Apologies for multiple diffusion --------------- (Extended deadline: Sept. 23rd, 2013) --------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ====================================================================== The 9th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET-BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS'13) December 2 - 5, 2013 In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing Kyoto Terrsa, Japan ====================================================================== The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional structured data and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS spans two inter-related research domains that increasingly play a key role in connecting systems across network centric environments to allow distributed computing and information sharing. SITIS 2013 aims to provide a forum for high quality presentations on research activities centered on three main tracks: - The first track titled "Web Computing and Applications (WeCA)" focuses on emerging and novel concepts, architectures, technologies, and methodologies for information management related to the Web and cloud computing. In essence, the Web, with its different versions, has created an interconnected world in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance, etc. Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging applications requires solutions that address new issues and challenges. The track calls for research papers and reports directed at several areas including: Data Semantics, Web-Centric Systems, Big Data, Information System Interoperability, Cloud, Cooperative information and Distributed Systems, and Information security - The second track titled "Signal & Image Technologies (SIT)" focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing and pays particular attention to evolutions in audiovisual signal processing, analysis, coding and authentication, and retrieval techniques. The track calls for research papers and reports directed at several areas including:Image Processing and Analysis, Signal processing, Image/Video Coding and Authentication, and Applications - The third track titled "Multimedia Information Retrieval and Application (MIRA)" focuses on emerging modeling, representation and retrieval techniques that take into account the amount, type and diversity of multimedia information accessible in distributed computing environment. The internet, social networking, multimedia databases and management of multimedia cultural collections have created the need for cross-fields models, paradigms and techniques for efficient modeling, management and consumption of multimedia contents. The track calls for research papers and reports directed at several areas including Multimedia Query and Retrieval; Mobile and Location-Based Media, Social media and Social networking, Multimedia Security, and Multimedia Arts, Entertainment and Digital Culture. Submission and publication -------------------------- The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS 2013 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics of the major tracks described below. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. Special issues and Journal Publication --------------------------------------- Extended versions of the selected papers will be published in one of the following reviewed journals. - World Wide Web Journal (WWW) - Multimedia Tools and Applications journal (MTAP) - Journal of Complex Networks (JCN) Important dates ---------------- * Paper Submission (extended): September 23rd, 2013 * Acceptance/Reject notification: October 06th, 2013 * Camera ready: October 13th, 2013 * Author registration: October 20, 2013 Committees ----------- General Chairs: Setsuo Tsuruta, Tokyo Denki University, Japan Ernesto Damiani, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy WeCa Track Chairs: Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France MIRA Track Chairs: Shin'ichi Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Yuichi Nakamura, Kyoto University, Japan SIT Track Chairs: Andrea Kutics, International Christian University, Japan Albert Dipanda, University of Bourgogne, France More details about each track and detailed topics can be found on the conference website: From sitis at Mon Sep 9 11:26:39 2013 From: sitis at (SITIS'13) Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 17:26:39 +0200 Subject: [sigCR] Deadline extension... Track on Web Computing and Application @ IEEE SITIS-13 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS Apologies for multiple diffusion !!!!!! NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 23, 2013 !!!!!!! ====================================================================== TRACK ON WEB COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (WeCA) The 9th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET-BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS 13) December 2 - 5, 2013 In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing Kyoto Terrsa, Japan ====================================================================== The focus of the track titled "Web Computing and Applications (WeCA)" is on emerging and novel concepts, architectures, technologies, and methodologies for information management related to the Web and cloud computing. In essence, the Web, with its different versions, has created an interconnected world in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance, etc. Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging applications requires solutions that address new issues and challenges. The track calls for research papers and reports related, but not limited, to the following topics: ** Data semantics ** Ontologies Conceptual Data Modeling Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Metadata Evolution and Change Semantic Caching Data Warehousing and Semantic Semantics in Data Visualization Semantic Services for Mobile Users Applications of Semantic-Driven Approaches ** Web-Centric Systems ** Semantic Web Social media and networking Web Services and Service Computing Hypermedia and Adaptation E-Commerce, E-government, and E-Learning Web/Data Mining Machine Learning Crowdsourcing ** Big Data ** Foundations and computation Infrastructure and platforms Management Data preservation and provenance Search and Mining Computational Modeling and Data Integration Link and Graph Mining Mobility Multimedia and Multi-structured Data Applications ** Information System Interoperability ** Digital Libraries Semantic Interoperability and Semantic Mediators Ontologies Based Systems Contextual Reasoning in Distributed Ontologies ** Cloud ** Architectures and platforms Mobile Clouds Storage, Data, and Analytics Clouds Migration, Management, and Quality Composition, Federation, and Integration Resource Virtualization and Composition High Performance Cloud Computing Programming Models and Paradigms Green Computing Innovative Applications and Experiences Computing Consulting ** Cooperative information and Distributed Systems ** Information Sharing Grid/cloud Applications Peer To Peer Computing and Applications Knowledge and Semantic Grid Semantics Of Peer Data Management Systems Mobile Information Systems and Computing ** Multimedia and application ** Image and Video Databases Image and Video Indexing and Retrieval Emergent Semantics in Content Retrieval Systems Semantics and Meta Data in Multimedia Systems Content-Based Indexing, Search, and Retrieval of Retrieval Multimedia Data Modeling and Visualization Tools, Benchmarks, Evaluation Protocols and Standards ** Information security ** Security Modeling and Access Control Protocol Intrusion Avoidance, Detection, and Response Web Security and Supporting Systems Security Denial of Service: Attacks and Countermeasures Intellectual Property Protection Fundamental Services on Network and Distributed Systems Security and Privacy for Emerging Technologies Trust based systems Submission and publication --------------------------- The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS-13 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication as a special issue of the WWW Journal (Springer) Important dates (FIRM DEADLINES) * Paper Submission: September 23, 2013 * Acceptance/Reject notification: October 19, 2013 * Camera ready: October 27, 2013 * Author registration: October 27, 2013 Track Chairs ------------ Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France Richard Chbeir, University of Pau, France General Co-Chairs ----------------- Ernesto Damiani, Universit?? degli Studi di Milano, Italy Setsuo Tsuruta, Denki University, Japan From L.Will at Wed Sep 11 13:22:03 2013 From: L.Will at (Leonard Will) Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 18:22:03 +0100 Subject: [sigCR] =?utf-8?q?Information_=E2=80=93_a_risky_business=2C_ISKO_?= =?utf-8?q?UK_afternoon_event_=E2=80=93_Thursday_24th_October_2013?= Message-ID: <> *Information ? a risky business, ISKO UK afternoon event ? Thursday 24th October 2013*, British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8YS, 13.30 ? 18.00, followed by networking, wine and nibbles Information is critical to all businesses today, placing them at significant risk if it is not managed and organized in such a way that it can easily and quickly be found. Using case studies from the private and public sectors and some highly experienced practitioners in the field, this latest ISKO UK event examines the causes, threats and outcomes of poor information management which put organizations at risk, why this is relevant to knowledge organization and what mitigation measures can be put in place. Yasmin Merali, Associate Professor at Warwick Business School, will open the first session by examining the complex nature of today?s information network, the shift in user behaviour and the impact on organizational resilience and robustness. Mark Merifield, Head of Information Management Services at The National Archives looks at the disconnect between our IT environment and business requirements and David Haynes, a highly experienced information manager and PhD student at City University, will draw on recent work within the charity sector to demonstrate some of the knowledge organization approaches used to address information risk in the context of overall organizational change. In the second session, Roger Poole, currently Manager ? Risk Consulting at KPMG LLP and with considerable experience of Global Records Management projects and programmes within the banking sector, describes some of the recent significant changes in approach to information risk within the Financial Services industry, a sector with a very high profile in the news in recent years. He is followed by Christina Somovilla and Aynsley Taylor, who will draw from their own experience at the Financial Ombudsman Service to examine some of the difficulties faced when trying to set policies appropriate to real business need, and to consider how organizing information properly is the best way to mitigate risk. Finally, Noeleen Schenk from Metataxis, a consultant with many years? experience working with clients to ensure effective information management structures are in place, will explain how businesses can use the risk agenda to drive improvements to their information management ? from the identification of their information assets, to their management and organization. The afternoon will end with wine and nibbles and an opportunity to discuss the afternoon event with speakers and colleagues. You will find the programme and other details of the event, and can register until October 20th via the ISKO site . The event is *free* to ISKO members and to full-time students. The fee for non-members is just *?40*. All fees must be paid in advance - there is no provision for payment on arrival. Registration opens at *1.30* and we shall start promptly at 2 p.m. Please pass this invitation on to any colleagues who may be interested. ISKO is a not-for-profit scientific/professional association with the objective of promoting research and communication in the domain of knowledge organization, within the broad field of information science and related disciplines. Founded in 2007, our UK Chapter has been attracting lively and steadily growing audiences to its afternoon meeting series as well as its very successful biennial conferences (see slides and recordings at . Its third conference was held in July 2013 on the theme of "Knowledge organization - pushing the boundaries" . -- Leonard Will From perkintj at Fri Sep 13 10:48:27 2013 From: perkintj at (Perkins, Jody) Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:48:27 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Review of new DHCommons taxonomy Message-ID: Dear CR list members, Please see the request for comments below. Although the intended end users of this taxonomy are humanities scholars, members of this community may be able to provide feedback from an IS perspective. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Jody Perkins Digital Scholarship Librarian Center for Digital Scholarship Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 513.529.0135 ------ DARIAH, DiRT, and DHCommons, as a first step in their international effort to produce a registry of digital humanities resources (e.g., projects, people, institutions, methods, tools, educational resources) has produced a draft of a taxonomy of scholarly activities and objects that will act as the back-end to this proposed registry. This taxonomy has been developed for use by more than just our joint project, however, being developed for use by any community-driven site or project that aims to make information relevant to digital humanities more easily discoverable. The taxonomy is expected to be particularly useful to endeavors aiming to collect information on digital humanities tools, methods, projects, or readings. The initial partners that have committed to adopting the taxonomy are DARIAH?s Zotero-based bibliography, the DiRT (Digital Research Tools) directory, and centerNet?s DHCommons project directory. DARIAH-EU has also committed to using this taxonomy as a basis for further development into a more complex ontology of digital scholarly methods, ensuring the continued updating and existence of the work presented here. In order to make this taxonomy as widely useful as possible, we hope to collect broad input from the community. To this end, we are asking you for your input. A draft of the taxonomy exists as a Google Doc here: Anyone with this link can comment on the document. Please leave comments in the document itself, or email the taxonomy coordinators listed at the end of this email. Feedback will be open until Friday, September 27th. After that point, the coordinators will review and incorporate comments, with the goal of putting the taxonomy in place on DiRT, DHCommons, and DARIAH?s Zotero bibliography in early October. This already usable taxonomy will then be further developed into a full-blown ontology by the NeDiMAH project in Europe and maintained beyond that time by DARIAH. We are not trying to produce the mother of all ontologies. Instead, we are trying to produce something that is useful, that can be updated easily, and that will be maintained for many years. If you are interested in having your voice heard in this endeavor, please take a few minutes to read through the document and give us your input. On behalf of all the coordinators in this project, I would like to thank you in advance for your input. Feel free at any time to email any or all of us with any questions you may have. Best, Matt Munson Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen G?ttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) Papendiek 16 37073 G?ttingen GERMANY +49 (0)551-39-10 997 www: Coordinators: Luise Borek, borek at Quinn Dombrowski, quinnd at Matthew Munson, mmunson at Jody Perkins, perkintj at Christof Sch?ch, christof.schoech at From announce at Sun Sep 15 09:08:55 2013 From: announce at (DCMI Announce) Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 06:08:55 -0700 Subject: [sigCR] Full, open proceedings available for DC-2013 in Lisbon Message-ID: **** Please excuse the cross-posting **** DC-2013 ONLINE PROCEEDINGS =========================== PROCEEDINGS URL: CONFERENCE HOME URL (for session descriptions): =========================== The collocated conferences for DC-2013 and iPRES-2013 in Lisbon attracted 392 participants from over 37 countries. In addition to the Tuesday through Thursday conference days comprised of peer-reviewed paper and special sessions, 223 participants attended pre-conference tutorials and 246 participated in post-conference workshops for the collocated events. The peer-reviewed papers and presentations are available on the conference website Presentation page (URLs above). In sum, it was a great conference. In addition to links to PDFs of papers, project reports and posters (and their associated presentations), the published proceedings include presentation PDFs for the following: TUTORIALS: -- Ivan Herman: "Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD)" -- Steven Miller: "Introduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminology" -- Kai Eckert: "Metadata Provenance" -- Daniel Garjio: "The W3C Provenance Ontology" SPECIAL SESSIONS: -- "Application Profiles as an Alternative to OWL Ontologies" -- "Long-term Preservation and Governance of RDF Vocabularies (W3C Sponsored)" -- "Data Enrichment and Transformation in the LOD Context: Poor & Popular vs Rich & Lonely--Can't we achieve both?" -- "Why" WORKSHOPS: -- Vocabulary Day -- CAMP (Cyber Infrastructure and Metadata Protocols)-4-DATA From gcampbel at Mon Sep 16 08:59:54 2013 From: gcampbel at (Grant Campbell) Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:59:54 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Dr. Jonathan Furner Elected Chair-Elect for SIG/CR In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Greetings to the SIG/CR Community! I'm delighted to announce that Dr. Jonathan Furner has been elected to the position of Chair-Elect for SIG/CR for the 2013-2014 year. Hearty thanks to those who voted. Hearty thanks to Jonathan for agreeing to serve the SIG/CR community. I hope to see many of you at SIG/CR's Classification Research Workshop at ASIST on November 2 in Montreal. Best wishes / Meilleurs souhaites Grant Campbell -- ------------------- D. Grant Campbell Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 519-661-2111 ext.88483 From bkwasnik at Mon Sep 16 13:16:53 2013 From: bkwasnik at (Barbara H Kwasnik) Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 17:16:53 +0000 Subject: [sigCR] Dr. Jonathan Furner Elected Chair-Elect for SIG/CR In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: Congratulations, Jonathan, and thanks! Barbara On Sep 16, 2013, at 8:59 AM, Grant Campbell wrote: > Greetings to the SIG/CR Community! > > I'm delighted to announce that Dr. Jonathan Furner has been elected to the position of Chair-Elect for SIG/CR for the 2013-2014 year. > > Hearty thanks to those who voted. > Hearty thanks to Jonathan for agreeing to serve the SIG/CR community. > > I hope to see many of you at SIG/CR's Classification Research Workshop at ASIST on November 2 in Montreal. > > Best wishes / Meilleurs souhaites > > Grant Campbell > > -- > ------------------- > D. Grant Campbell > Associate Professor > Faculty of Information and Media Studies > University of Western Ontario > London, Ontario > N6A 5B7 > 519-661-2111 ext.88483 > _______________________________________________ > sigCR-l mailing list > sigCR-l at > From janeg at Tue Sep 17 19:08:01 2013 From: janeg at (Greenberg, Jane) Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 23:08:01 +0000 Subject: [sigCR] FW: news + SIG/CR election results References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Greetings - Please join me in congratulating Jonathan Furner as the SIG/CR chair elect. A few other notes ~ ? SIS/CR on the web: Folks may be aware that SIG/CR now has a Wordpress page @: With the exception of the 'message from the Cabinet' from March, all other news is in reverse chronological order, keeping folks up-to-date. Thank you to Melissa Adler and Emma Tonkin for their work + talent in launching this site. ? SIG/CR logo: We are still finessing a logo that appears there, so don't panic (it includes a platypus... per previous discussion. Look for magnets at this year's ASIST). ? SIG/CR Business Meeting + SIG/CR workshop/Big Data, Linked Data: Classification Research at the Junction: @ ASIST/Montreal: Business meeting, see: Last year was pretty wild; and, unfortunately, devastating for some, given Storm Sandy. Looking forward to SIG/CR folks gathering in Montreal at the workshop (, and via other ASIST forums. Best wishes, jane From Richard.Chbeir at Tue Sep 17 22:34:43 2013 From: Richard.Chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 04:34:43 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [sigCR] Last CFP IEEE/ACM SITIS 2013: 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (December 2-5, 2013 - Kyoto, Japan) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> LAST CALL FOR PAPERS Apologies for multiple diffusion !!!!!! SUBMISSION DEADLINE APPROACHING: September 23, 2013 !!!!!!! ====================================================================== TRACK ON WEB COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (WeCA) The 9th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET-BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS 13) December 2 - 5, 2013 In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing Kyoto Terrsa, Japan ====================================================================== The focus of the track titled "Web Computing and Applications (WeCA)" is on emerging and novel concepts, architectures, technologies, and methodologies for information management related to the Web and cloud computing. In essence, the Web, with its different versions, has created an interconnected world in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance, etc. Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging applications requires solutions that address new issues and challenges. The track calls for research papers and reports related, but not limited, to the following topics: ** Data semantics ** Ontologies Conceptual Data Modeling Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Metadata Evolution and Change Semantic Caching Data Warehousing and Semantic Semantics in Data Visualization Semantic Services for Mobile Users Applications of Semantic-Driven Approaches ** Web-Centric Systems ** Semantic Web Social media and networking Web Services and Service Computing Hypermedia and Adaptation E-Commerce, E-government, and E-Learning Web/Data Mining Machine Learning Crowdsourcing ** Big Data ** Foundations and computation Infrastructure and platforms Management Data preservation and provenance Search and Mining Computational Modeling and Data Integration Link and Graph Mining Mobility Multimedia and Multi-structured Data Applications ** Information System Interoperability ** Digital Libraries Semantic Interoperability and Semantic Mediators Ontologies Based Systems Contextual Reasoning in Distributed Ontologies ** Cloud ** Architectures and platforms Mobile Clouds Storage, Data, and Analytics Clouds Migration, Management, and Quality Composition, Federation, and Integration Resource Virtualization and Composition High Performance Cloud Computing Programming Models and Paradigms Green Computing Innovative Applications and Experiences Computing Consulting ** Cooperative information and Distributed Systems ** Information Sharing Grid/cloud Applications Peer To Peer Computing and Applications Knowledge and Semantic Grid Semantics Of Peer Data Management Systems Mobile Information Systems and Computing ** Multimedia and application ** Image and Video Databases Image and Video Indexing and Retrieval Emergent Semantics in Content Retrieval Systems Semantics and Meta Data in Multimedia Systems Content-Based Indexing, Search, and Retrieval of Retrieval Multimedia Data Modeling and Visualization Tools, Benchmarks, Evaluation Protocols and Standards ** Information security ** Security Modeling and Access Control Protocol Intrusion Avoidance, Detection, and Response Web Security and Supporting Systems Security Denial of Service: Attacks and Countermeasures Intellectual Property Protection Fundamental Services on Network and Distributed Systems Security and Privacy for Emerging Technologies Trust based systems Submission and publication --------------------------- The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS-13 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes Special issues and Journal Publication --------------------------------------- Extended versions of the selected papers will be published in one of the following reviewed journals: - World Wide Web Journal (WWW) - Multimedia Tools and Applications journal (MTAP) Important dates ---------------- * Paper Submission (extended): September 23rd, 2013 * Acceptance/Reject notification: October 06th, 2013 * Camera ready: October 13th, 2013 * Author registration: October 20, 2013 Track Chairs ------------ Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France Richard Chbeir, University of Pau, France General Co-Chairs ----------------- Ernesto Damiani, Universit? degli Studi di Milano, Italy Setsuo Tsuruta, Denki University, Japan More details about each track and detailed topics can be found on the conference website: From gcampbel at Wed Sep 18 14:54:05 2013 From: gcampbel at (Grant Campbell) Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:54:05 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Draft Program of SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi, Everyone: Please find attached a preliminary draft program for SIG/CR's annual Classification Research Workshop, to be held in Montreal during the ASIST Conference, November 2, 2013. Please distribute this to all interested parties. Cheers, Grant -- ------------------- D. Grant Campbell Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 519-661-2111 ext.88483 From gcampbel at Thu Sep 19 09:43:51 2013 From: gcampbel at (Grant Campbell) Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 09:43:51 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] Draft Program for SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> My apologies to everyone: For some reason, the PDF attachment to the mail I sent yesterday, containing the draft program of the Classification Research Workshop, failed to reach some participants. I am resending, and I am also inserting the paper titles and authors into this message directly. Many thanks, Grant 8:30-9:00 INTRODUCTION 9:00-10:00 Rick Szostak, University of Alberta Classification, Ontology and the Semantic Web Shuheng Wu, Besiki Stvilia, Florida State University Exploring Development and Maintenance Practices in Gene Ontology 10:00-10:30 BREAK 10:30-12:00 Tatiana Lukoianova, Victoria Rubin, Western University Is Big Data Objective or Truthful? Rebecca Green, OCLC The Interplay of Big Data, WorldCat and Dewey R. P. Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Big Classification: Using the Empirical Power of Classification Interaction 12:00-1:00 LUNCH AND POSTER SESSIONS 1:00-2:30 Kwan Yi, Eastern Kentucky University, A Semantic Similarity Approach for Linking Tweet Messages to Library of Congress Subject Headings using Linked Resources: A Pilot Study Jane Greenberg, University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill Metadata Capital via a Linked Data HIVE Patrick Keilty and Perikles Andritsos, University of Toronto Level-Wise Exploration of Linked and Big Data Guided by Subject Classification 2:30-3:00 BREAK 3:00-4:30 Inkyung Choi and Hur-Li Lee, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Toward Social Contextualization of Big Data and Linked Data Ali Shiri, University of Alberta Linked Data Meets Big Data: A Knowledge Organization Systems Perspective Lynne C. Howarth, University of Toronto Warrant as Theoretical Vocabulary for Reconciling Big Data and Linked Data 4:30-500 LIGHTNING SESSION -- ------------------- D. Grant Campbell Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 519-661-2111 ext.88483 From rhill at Mon Sep 23 10:25:46 2013 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:25:46 -0400 Subject: [sigCR] ASIST Annual Meeitng - Early extended to Sept 30 Message-ID: <387-220139123142546877@LEN-dick-2011> Early registration deadline extended to Sept. 30, 2013 Beyond the Cloud: Rethinking Information Boundaries ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-6, Montreal, Canada 83 papers contributed papers 78 posters 28 panels. The program is extremely rich in content and will draw attendance from scholars and practitioners from information related fields all over the world. The conference program focuses on research and technological development on the latest issues affecting information environments, information phenomena, and information users. The program sets to provide a wide range of research topics and related practical issues such as cloud-based metadata, biomedical research, social informatics to collective information seeking, adoption of social media, digital humanities and human information interaction, among others. We hope that the discussions generated by the papers, panels and posters will contribute to expand our understanding of information problems and to help us in better addressing them in our research and professional endeavors. Keynote speaker: Jorge Garcia, a Montreal-based expert in the area of business intelligence and data management. His work involves the assessment and implementation of information technologies. This year, the Annual Meeting follows the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), another great venue for learning about developments in information and knowledge management. The presence of ICKM attendees at ASIS&T Annual Meeting should provide additional opportunities for great discussions. . Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From janeg at Tue Sep 24 11:58:28 2013 From: janeg at (Greenberg, Jane) Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:58:28 +0000 Subject: [sigCR] FW: news + SIG/CR election results References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Apologies if this is a duplicate messg.. j Greetings - Please join me in congratulating Jonathan Furner as the SIG/CR chair elect. A few other notes ~ ? SIS/CR on the web: Folks may be aware that SIG/CR now has a Wordpress page @: With the exception of the 'message from the Cabinet' from March, all other news is in reverse chronological order, keeping folks up-to-date. Thank you to Melissa Adler and Emma Tonkin for their work + talent in launching this site. ? SIG/CR logo: We are still finessing a logo that appears there, so don't panic (it includes a platypus... per previous discussion. Look for magnets at this year's ASIST). ? SIG/CR Business Meeting + SIG/CR workshop/Big Data, Linked Data: Classification Research at the Junction: @ ASIST/Montreal: Business meeting, see: Last year was pretty wild; and, unfortunately, devastating for some, given Storm Sandy. Looking forward to SIG/CR folks gathering in Montreal at the workshop (, and via other ASIST forums. Best wishes, jane From aida at Thu Sep 26 12:38:19 2013 From: aida at (Aida Slavic) Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:38:19 +0100 Subject: [sigCR] REMINDER: Classification & Visualization, 24-25 October, The Hague In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> *Apologies for cross-posting* --- INVITATION FOR REGISTRATION --- Classification and Visualization: Interfaces to Knowledge" International UDC Seminar 2013 - will take place on Thursday 24 - Friday 25 October in the National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), The Hague Conference website: The objective of this conference is to explore cutting edge advances and techniques in the visualization of knowledge across various fields of application and their potential impact on developments in the more main stream bibliographic and documentary classifications. The conference programme features a series of eminent speakers: W. Boyd Rayward, Lev Manovich, Kathryn La Barre, Xia Lin, Marcel Worring, Luca Rosati, Andrea Resmini, Richard Smiraglia, Charles van den Heuvel, Andrea Scharnhorst, Rebecca Green, Claudio Gnoli etc. To learn more about conference programme and to register go to the conference website Registration closes on 15 October 2013: EUR220 regular fee, students EUR180 The registration fee covers lunches, refreshments, reception and the conference proceedings book (published by Ergon) Contact:seminar2013 at We look forward to seeing you in October. --------------------------------------------------