[sigCR] Fwd: Reminder: NASKO doctoral symposium, awardees and details!

Kathryn La Barre klabarre at illinois.edu
Sat Apr 20 20:07:08 EDT 2013

Apologies for cross-posting!

Just a quick reminder for doctoral students.
If you want to participate in the doctoral symposium - you need only submit
your CV and a 500 word abstract. In exchange for participation - ISKO/CUS
will waive your conference fee!

Deadline for this submission is May 1 (but do let me know if you need a bit
more time than that).  See full description below:

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Kathryn La Barre <klabarre at illinois.edu>wrote:

> I'm delighted to announce that ISKO C/US will host a doctoral symposium at
> the upcoming NASKO, June 13-14 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
> For more details: http://iskocus.org/nasko2013.php Registration will open
> soon.
> The NASKO doctoral symposium, will occur the morning of June 13. This an
> opportunity for current PhD students and candidates to collaborate,
> connect, and develop shared resources for research and education. The
> symposium will provide mentoring and advice on research processes and
> products. This is intended to be a supportive, yet questioning atmosphere
> in which students can discuss their goals, methods, and results (even at
> early stages).
> Two promising scholars have been selected as recipients of the $250 (USD)
>  Symposium travel bursary, and will also have registration fees waived.
> Rachel Ivy Clarke, PhD Candidate, (University of Washington) “Browsing in
> Physical and Digital Environments”
> Heidi Overhill, PhD Student, (University of Toronto) “Literary 'Warrant'
> as an Approach to Kitchen Organization”Funding for these awards was made
> possible by a rebate of 2012 ISKO C/US membership dues. Each is currently
> being matched with a faculty mentor.
> Don’t despair! If you are a doctoral student or doctoral candidate who
> would like to participate in the symposium, it is not too late! See
> instructions below. Each participant will present a brief overview of
> research in progress and have time to work with a mentor and their peers.
> All confirmed symposium participants will have their NASKO registration
> fees waived. We are also looking for volunteer faculty mentors who will
> attend the event – or who are willing to review materials and provide
> written feedback.
> To apply as a symposium participant (and have your registration fees
> waived) please submit the following materials by May 1.
> (1)    One page CV
> (2)    Research abstract with the following components (as applicable to
> stage of research not all elements are required – early stage students
> should complete what they can):
> ·       Research question(s)
> ·       Motivation - justify the importance of the problem.
> ·       Literature review - citing key publications, or existing or
> ongoing work
> ·       Anticipated contributions
> ·       Research methods - indicate any you are considering
> ·       Research trajectory – brief sketch of your plan to complete the
> research
> Please submit your materials – or volunteer to particpate as a mentor by
> contacting klabarre at illinois.edu

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