[sigCR] SIG/CR business meeting Monday

Greenberg, Jane janeg at email.unc.edu
Fri Oct 26 17:03:39 EDT 2012

Greetings all

Reminder:  Monday 4:30-5:00 PM, 7:30-8:30 PM, Mecken Room

EVERYONE WELCOME, please come and share ideas, thoughts, questions...

Agenda for SIG/Business meeting...


-        introductions

-        report of general membership

-        ideas for outreach, recruitment, etc.

-        SIG/CR workshop for 2013, ideas, themes, etc.

-        panel ideas, and co-sponsorship of panels, etc. with other SIGs, etc.

-        liaisons (informal, or...?)

-        annual/bi-annual meeting, officer length-of-time.

-        do we need to get other new officers lined up to 2013/2014

-        SIG/CR proceedings, a note about the work this year.

Best wishes, This SIG/CR group

Jane Greenberg
Professor, School of Information and Library Science
Director, Metadata Research Center <MRC><http://ils.unc.edu/>
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
janeg at email.unc.edu<mailto:janeg at email.unc.edu>

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