[Sigcr-l] Register for ASIST SIG-CR Workshop: Classification, Collections, and Curation, Oct. 12, New Orleans

Melanie Feinberg feinberg at ischool.utexas.edu
Sun Sep 11 18:48:56 EDT 2011

We invite you to register for the ASIST SIG-CR workshop 2011. We 
anticipate an exciting and invigorating program; details follow.

Joseph T. Tennis and Melanie Feinberg, Co-Chairs

2011 ASIST SIG-CR Workshop: Classification, Collections, and Curation
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. (following the ASIST conference)
New Orleans Marriott
Register here: http://www.asis.org/asist2011/register.html

We are pleased to welcome Barbara Kwasnik as our keynote speaker.

The workshop will also feature papers by Stephen Paling, Melissa Adler, 
Megan Winget, Joseph Tennis, and Melanie Feinberg. Extended sessions for 
each paper will include comments by invited respondents, including Elin 
Jacob and Jens-Erik Mai.

The papers and keynotes should enable productive discussions around the 
following questions: what does classification theory tell us about the 
state of practice, the potentials for systems, and the constantly 
evolving nature of our personal and professional relationships to 
collections and classification?  What is the currency of classification 
research in relation to curation and the constant copying of digital 
collections? While there is a rich tradition of collecting and curating 
throughout and beyond the cultural heritage landscape, these literatures 
are often separate from the classification literature. To what extent 
might these activities be joined? What insights can we gain from such 

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans.

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