[Sigcr-l] 2nd-round submissions QQML2011 International Conference

Secretariat@isast.org secretariat at isast.org
Thu Jan 27 19:59:46 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues,
Don't miss the 2nd-round submissions to the 3rd QQML2011 International
Conference that starts now until 14 February 2011. 
Please think of abstract or paper submission and disseminate this Call for
Papers to your colleagues. 
[Those of you who have already email your abstract(s) or paper(s) during the
1st call, please ignore this announcement] 
The Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International
Conference (QQML 2011) aims to bring together researchers and scientists
from academia, libraries, archives, museums, from governmental and non
government organizations to present new results and identify future research
All papers will be published in the QQML 2011 proceedings and/or in
scientific journals. The proceedings of the 2009 QQML International
conference are published by World Scientific and the 2010 QQML proceedings
will be published soon by the same publisher. 
To fulfill QQML goals and success we are inviting proposals for:
*	Conference Presentations: 20- 25 minute presentations.
*	Conference Workshops: 4 - 5 hour workshops.
*	New researchers' research results.
We would like to remind you the sub-themes that are listed at: www.isast.org
<http://www.isast.org/> . 
Perhaps you have another topic relevant to the library theory and practice.
We would like to tell us about!
The deadline for proposals is Monday 14th February 2011.
If you have any questions concerning the Call for Proposals, please contact:

Anthi Katsirikou, anthi at asmda.com and secretariat at isast.org 
Looking forward to meeting you in Athens,
Kind regards,
Dr. Anthi Katsirikou
Conference co-chair
Deputy Director,
University of Piraeus Library
European Documentation Center
Adjunct Lecturer at TEI of Athens
Member of the Board of the Association of Greek Librarians and Information
If you don't like to receive information regarding the QQML conferences and
our publications and meetings please: unsubscribe
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