[Sigcr-l] ASIS&T AM 2010 - potential panelists?

Diane Neal dneal2 at uwo.ca
Thu Jan 21 18:48:45 EST 2010

Dear SIG CR Members,

ASIS&T has announced the 2010 Annual Meeting CFP - see below. 

If anybody would be interested in serving on a panel oriented toward any of
CR's interest areas, please let me know, and I will be happy to facilitate
its organization - or, at the very least, bring like-minded individuals
together for brainstorming. Here are the panel submission requirements, from
the CFP: 

"Proposals for panels (4-6 participants maximum) are invited on topics that
include emerging cutting-edge research and design, analyses of hot or
emerging trends, opinions on controversial issues, analyses of tools and
techniques, and contrasting viewpoints from experts in complementary
professional areas. Panels are not a substitute for a set of contributed
papers, but must have a cohesive theme and promote lively interaction
between panellists and audience members. Submit two to four pages that
provide an overview of the issues to be discussed by the panel. Proposals
should also list panellists who have agreed to participate and indicate the
qualifications and contribution that each panellist will offer."

Announcements are coming soon regarding the CR workshop. 

Diane Neal
Chair, SIG CR 

Diane M. Neal, PhD
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
The University of Western Ontario
North Campus Building, Room 240
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7
519-661-2111 ext. 81034
dneal2 at uwo.ca

-----Original Message-----
From: sig-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sig-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of
Richard Hill
Sent: January 19, 2010 1:25 PM
To: sig-l at asis.org
Subject: [Sig-l] ASIS&T AM 2010 CFP

ASIST 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 22-27, 2010 

Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem

Complete Call at:

1. Papers (short and long), Panels, Workshops and Tutorials:  May 31, 2010
2. Posters, Demos and Videos: July 16, 2010

The ASIST Annual Meeting is the main venue for disseminating research
centred on advances in the information sciences and related applications of
information technology. This year's conference is stepping away from
tradition and re-inventing our premier conference in the guise of an
innovative "ASIST 2.0." 

ASIST 2010 will consist of six tracks, each with its own program and
reviewing committee to ensure that the conference meets your high
expectations for standards and quality. A team of respected reviewers,
experts in their fields, will assist with a rigorous peer-review process.
Please note the important changes in format and content, and plan your
submissions accordingly.

Track 1 - Information Behaviour 
Track 2 - Knowledge Organization 
Track 3 - Information Systems, Interactivity and Design
Track 4 - Information and Knowledge Management
Track 5 - Information Use
Track 6 - Information and Society: Economic, Political, Social Issues

Because each of these tracks represents a generic aspect of information
science, each may be focused by additional elements.

Types of Submissions:
1) Papers
2) Panels
3) Interactive Showcase
a) Posters 
b) Demos 
c) Videos 
4) Workshops - A Day of Special Themes  Workshops will be held on the last
day of the conference.

For more information, please see

Conference Co-Chairs:  Cathy Marshall (cathymar at microsoft.com) and Elaine
Toms (etoms at dal.ca)

Local arrangements and logistics: Richard Hill (rhill at asis.org

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900 

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