[Sigcr-l] New thread - Year of Cataloging Research as topic for 2010 SIG-CR Classification Workshop

Jane Greenberg janeg at email.unc.edu
Thu May 28 22:17:35 EDT 2009

Hope, i like your list very much. of course i am fond of your point about 
"what metadata can teach cataloging;" and i am thinking it is equally 
important to consider what "cataloging can teach metadata" too.

i love all of the sig/cr discussion that has taken place, and will support 
any program, however we label it :)

best wishes, jane

On Wed, 27 May 2009, Hope A Olson wrote:

> I would support the theme that puts Library Cataloging Research at the 
> center and would encourage the inclusion of metadata (and other forms of 
> information organization) in relation to library cataloging. Such topics 
> might include:
> - aspects of cataloging and metadata compared
> - shared principles of
> - cataloging and metadata
> - cataloging as the progenitor of metadata
> - what metadata can teach cataloging
> - will cataloging ultimately give way to cataloging?
> I'm sure collectively we can think of others
> These would be in addition to core topics related to library cataloging 
> among which I would include the principles, the users, the standards, 
> the process, the records, the databases, the interfaces, the history, 
> etc.
> Last year we had a very stimulating workshop on the fairly specific 
> theme of organizing images. This year's workshop is on the theme 
> Bridging Worlds, Connecting People: Classification Transcending 
> Boundaries (I remind you that proposals for papers and posters are due 
> June 15) which stresses perspective rather than content. Going back to a 
> content-oriented theme for next year seems reasonable to me - especially 
> given the potential scope of library cataloging research.
> Somewhat related: I believe someone suggested changing the name of the 
> SIG from Classification Research to Information Organization or 
> Knowledge Organization. Since that is what we do in practice, I think 
> that makes sense. This year's theme uses the term "Classification," but 
> in reality it, like previous years, will go beyond classification to 
> other aspects of information organization.
> Hope
> Hope A. Olson, Professor and Associate Dean
> School of Information Studies
> 510G Bolton Hall
> University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
> Milwaukee, WI 53201
> http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SOIS
> email holson at uwm.edu

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