[Sigcr-l] SIG-CR: New chair and chair elect

Infoman Inc. mpereira at istar.ca
Sat May 23 13:26:52 EDT 2009

This conversation triggers some  initial comments:

1. I think that "cataloging" should be

1.1 broadly defined and be based on core cataloging principles and 
rules, i.e. those which have passed the test of time (and fads);

1.2 are IT-neutral,  i.e. IT-platform and implementation "syntax" 
independent (because these change every 5-10 years (with syntax (e.g. 
SQL, XML, Semantic Web, etc. being more of a "mechanical packaging" (or 
"wrapper" nature). IT-neutral also means neutral with respect to the 
nature of the medium on which the information to be recorded, i.e. 
recorded information, is actually recorded be this ahrd-copy or "soft 
copy, digital or non-digital, etc.; and,

1.3 be architectured and structurally engineered to support human 
interface equivalents(HIEs), i.e. multilingual expandability, support 
for inclusive design (being able to present contents in a HIE form which 
supports/facilitates accessibility (for individuals with disabilities)

2. From a "metadata" (or "data element") perspective, what one needs to 
do is to determine

2.1 how and where existing /newly developed standards can be utilized 
(e.g. RDA); and

2.2. what are the existing gaps?

3. Finally, before we all get exited it would be most useful to 
have/develop a common definition of the concept, function and purpose of 
"cataloging" (the need for which I fully support.

best regards - Jake Knoppers

  Allyson Carlyle wrote:
> Hi Laura,
> I would say that in this case cataloging will be broadly defined (in my proposal) as the process and the tools/standards and anything else that might relate to library cataloging.  Is that what you mean?
> Thanks for asking,
> Allyson
> Allyson Carlyle
> Associate Professor and Chair, PhD Program
> Information School, MGH 370
> University of Washington
> Seattle, WA  98195-2840
> (206) 543-1887
> From: laura.eisenmann at ey.com [mailto:laura.eisenmann at ey.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 10:29 AM
> To: Allyson Carlyle
> Cc: sigcr-l at asis.org; sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org
> Subject: Re: [Sigcr-l] SIG-CR: New chair and chair elect
> I'd be interested in hearing more about how you are defining "library cataloging" for the purpose of this research.  At the risk of seeming overly precise, "cataloging" is, in part, the act of applying a classification or other metadata scheme to an object, as distinct from the classification scheme itself.  Which of these is the research focus?  or is it both?
> Regards,
> Laura
> [cid:image001.gif at 01C9DB06.86FA09F0]
> Laura M. Eisenmann | KWeb Architecture Manager | Center for Business Knowledge
> Ernst & Young LLP
> 200 Clarendon St., Boston, MA 02116, United States of America
> Office: +1 617 375 3734 | Fax: +1 866 364 6957 | laura.eisenmann at ey.com<mailto:laura.eisenmann at ey.com>
> Cell: +1 617 834 7622 | EY/Comm: 2653473
> Website: www.ey.com
> Thank you for considering the environmental impact of printing emails.
> Allyson Carlyle <acarlyle at u.washington.edu>
> Sent by: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org
> 05/22/2009 12:38 PM
> To
> "sigcr-l at asis.org" <sigcr-l at asis.org>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Sigcr-l] SIG-CR: New chair and chair elect
> Actually, the intention is to highlight research in library cataloging, so I will propose the title of cataloging research.  But, if others want to amend, it is up to the group.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Jane Greenberg
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 8:52 AM
> To: Miksa, Shawne
> Cc: sigcr-l at asis.org
> Subject: Re: [Sigcr-l] SIG-CR: New chair and chair elect
> Hi all...
> could we potentially think of 2010 as a year of cataloging/metadata
> research?
> there's a fuzzy line as is (i personally of them as one and the same,
> although maybe everyone doesn't). RDA is inclusive of metadata for digital
> resources.
> i believe there could be some really beneficial implications too, letting
> the larger world see the importance of cataloging to many activities,
> including those couched more as metadata.
> cheers, jane
> On Thu, 21 May 2009, Miksa, Shawne wrote:
>> I'm 100% behind Allyson and her suggestion for 2010 being the year of cataloging research.  Count me in for helping with that.  I just finished up a short piece-- to appear in the next ASIST Bulletin--addressing Resource Description and Access (RDA) and new research potentials coming out of its implementation and use.
>> **************************************************************
>> Shawne D. Miksa, Ph.D.
>> Associate Professor
>> Department of Library and Information Sciences
>> College of Information
>> University of North Texas
>> email: Shawne.Miksa at unt.edu<mailto:Shawne.Miksa at unt.edu>
>> http://courses.unt.edu/smiksa/index.htm
>> office 940-565-3560 fax 940-565-3101
>> **************************************************************
>> ________________________________
>> From: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org [sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Allyson Carlyle [acarlyle at u.washington.edu]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:15 AM
>> To: sigcr-l at asis.org
>> Cc: Jimmie Lundgren
>> Subject: Re: [Sigcr-l] SIG-CR: New chair and chair elect
>> Hello Diane and Megan and all,
>> I am very interested in helping with the Classification Research Workshop next year.  I am working on an ALA Task Force (with a complicated charge, which I will spare everyone) that is working to increase awareness and support for research in library cataloging.  We are planning on declaring 2010 the year of cataloging research, and so I would like to propose that this be the theme of the workshop for 2010.  I know this needs support of the group, but I thought I would put it out there early, to let people think about it.
>> Allyson
>> Allyson Carlyle
>> Associate Professor and Chair, Ph.D. Program
>> Information School
>> MGH Suite 370
>> University of Washington
>> Seattle, WA 98195-2840
>> From: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Dagobert Soergel
>> Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 11:09 AM
>> To: sigcr-l at asis.org
>> Subject: [Sigcr-l] SIG-CR: New chair and chair elect
>> At long last, the SIG-CR elections are completed.  Please join me in congratulating
>> Diane Rasmussen Neal <diane_neal at sbcglobal.net>, Chair
>> Megan Winget <megan at ischool.utexas.edu>, Chair-Elect
>> We are looking forward to a re-invigorated SIG under their leadership.
>> Please let them know if you are willing to help in any way with tasks such as
>> *   Organizing the Classification Research workshop
>> *   Sponsoring or co-sponsoring sessions at the ASIST Annual Meeting
>> *   Maintaining an active and informative Web site
>> *   Liaison to other groups, such as ISKO, NKOS, Information Architecture Summit, National Center for Ontological Research, ...
>> *   Whatever you think SIG-CR should do to further the awareness, development, and use of classifications and other Knowledge Organization systems for improvements in information access and sense making
>> Dagobert Soergel for the nominating committee
>> (Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Diane Vizine-Goetz)
>> Dagobert Soergel
>> College of Information Studies
>> University of Maryland
>> 4105 Hornbake Library
>> College Park, MD 20742-4345
>> Office: 301-405-2037     Home:  703-823-2840        Mobile: 703-585-2840
>> OFax:   301-314-9145        HFax: 703-823-6427
>> dsoergel at umd.edu     www.dsoergel.com<http://www.dsoergel.com/>
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