[Sigcr-l] CFP -- SIG-CR Workshop in November 2009

Mikel P Breitenstein breiten4 at uwm.edu
Sat Apr 4 13:51:03 EDT 2009

Please post this information for the 20th year of the SIG-CR workshop in November. Thanks, Micki Breitenstein
I have inserted the text, but also am attaching the file.


20th Annual Conference

American Society of Information Science and Technology
Special Interest Group on Classification Research 
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
November 7, 2009

Bridging Worlds, Connecting People:
Classification Transcending Boundaries

International, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, cross-genre research initiatives are some of the ways that we not only push the envelope, but escape it. As the 20th workshop of ASIST SIG/CR crosses the border to Vancouver, it is an appropriate time for us to look back from whence we came and forward to developing possibilities of “inter-“ and “cross-“ topics, theories, models, standards, and applications.

The overarching theme of ASIST 2009: Thriving on Diversity – Information Opportunities in a Pluralistic World defines the context for Bridging Worlds and Connecting People. It is a call for Transcending the Boundaries that bring cultures and genres, disciplines and traditions of practice in proximity to each other at the same time that those boundaries enforce separations.

The 20th SIG/CR will bring together scholars, practitioners, and students for a combination of theoretical and applied explorations of boundaries of all kinds and what we find beyond them.

We invite interested participants to submit proposals for papers and posters to include: name(s) of presenter(s), title(s), affiliation(s), contact information and abstracts of 300-500 words for papers and 200-300 words for posters. Presentations will be 20 minutes. Papers will be published in dLIST, the Digital Library of Information Science and Technology hosted at the University of Arizona.

The workshop will run from 8:30 until 4:45 with a box lunch and snacks provided.  The day will include individual speakers; panel presentations; and a poster session with plenty of time for informal discussion with the authors.

Abstracts for papers are due: May 15, 2009
Notification of acceptance of papers will be by: July 1, 2009
Full papers due: October 1, 2009

Abstracts for posters are due: June 15, 2009
Notification of acceptance of posters will be by: August 1, 2009

Submit proposals electronically to: Hope A Olson, Program Chair (holson at uwm.edu). Proposals will be double-blind refereed.

Program Committee:
Clément Arsenault
		Université de Montréal
Mikel Breitenstein
	University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Rebecca Green
	Dewey Decimal Classification, OCLC
Corinne Jorgenson
	Florida State Univerity
Barbara Kwasnik
	Syracuse University
Joan Lussky
	Catholic University of America
Jens-Erik Mai
	University of Toronto
Hope A Olson, Chair
	University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Dagobert Soergel
	University of Maryland
Emma Tonkin
	University of Bath
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