[Sigcr-l] Yes! CFP for SIG-CR 2008

Lussky, Joan P LUSSKY at cua.edu
Mon Jun 9 13:59:04 EDT 2008

Dear All,
Please consider being a part of SIG-CR 2008.
Kind regards,
Joan P. Lussky, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science
243 Marist Hall
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC   20064
lussky at cua.edu
"True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are
balanced.  A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to
be disrupted, waits to be transformed."                          -- Tom Robbins

19th Annual ASIS&T SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop
Saturday, October 25th, 2008 - Columbus, Ohio
CALL FOR PAPERS - abstracts due July 15, 2008
This year's workshop will focus on classification within the visual and performing arts. 
Within the arts, the lively arts present unique classification challenges related to the 
diversity of meanings found within a single "work".  In addition, these works commonly 
occur within bounded time and space, and each occurrence can generate a large network 
of inter-related" documents" and accompanying material which libraries, information 
centers and archives collect. 
Papers or poster addressing the following points are especially welcome.  
* Enduring aspects of classification and subject analysis that are being applied to organization within the arts  
* Examples of alternative organization strategies, like social tagging, within the arts  
* Challenges for classification within the arts and how does this contrast with other domains
* Future opportunities available to us as we attempt to organize 
our world of complex documents and media
The workshop's format will provide for a few detailed research talks as well poster 
presentations and informal chats.  Researchers, practitioners, and students interested 
in classification, both traditional and more current methods, are encouraged to participate.
The workshop will run from 8:30 until 4:45 with a box lunch and snacks provided.  The 
day will include individual speakers; panel presentations; and a poster session with 
plenty of time for informal discussion with the authors.
 Abstracts (500-1000 words) due by 7/15/08 to workshop chair.
 Full papers (3000-5000 words) due by 9/1/08 to workshop chair.
Workshop Chair:
Joan Lussky, Ph.D.
Catholic University of America
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