[Sigcr-l] Fwd: 2nd Call for Papers--DC2007, Singapore

Joseph Tennis jtennis at interchange.ubc.ca
Mon Feb 26 09:06:34 EST 2007


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Stuart Sutton <sasutton at U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
> Date: February 25, 2007 8:52:37 AM PST (CA)
> Subject: 2nd Call for Papers--DC2007, Singapore
> Reply-To: Stuart Sutton <sasutton at U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
>                  2nd CALL FOR PAPERS
>          DC-2007 International Conference on
>         Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
>     "Application Profiles: Theory and Practice"
> 27-31 August 2007, Singapore
> http://conferences.nlb.gov.sg/dc2007/
> ________________________________
>     Papers submission:       2 April 2007
>     Acceptance notification: 1 June 2007
>     Camera-ready copy due:   2 July 2007
> ________________________________
> The annual Dublin Core conferences bring together leading
> metadata researchers and professionals from around the
> world. The 2006 conference in Manzanillo, Mexico attracted 234
> participants from 25 countries.  DC-2007 in Singapore will
> be the seventh in a series of conferences previously held
> in Tokyo (2001), Florence (2002), Seattle (2003), Shanghai
> (2004), Madrid (2005), and Manzanillo, Mexico (2006).
> ________________________________
> The DC-2007 theme focuses on the theory and practice of
> developing application profiles.  Application profiles
> provide the means to document the use of metadata terms
> within specific contexts and to combine terms from disparate
> namespaces. Application profiles may apply to communities
> of practice (e.g. cooperation projects) as well as to
> organizations in the public and private sectors.   Emerging
> experience in the creation of application profiles reveals
> layers of complexity involved in combining terms from mixed
> abstract models.  DC-2007 seeks to explore the conceptual
> and practical issues in the development and deployment of
> application profiles to meet the needs of specific communities
> of practice.
> In addition to contributions focusing on the DC-2007 conference
> theme, papers and workshop proposals are welcome on a wide
> range of metadata topics, such as:
> + Accessibility
> + Business Models for Metadata
> + Conceptual Models
> + Cross-domain Processes (e.g., Recordkeeping, Preservation,
>   Institutional Repositories)
> + Domain Metadata (e.g., Commerce, Corporate/Enterprise,
>   Cultural Heritage Institutions (Museums, Libaries, and
>   Archives), Education, Geo-Spatial, Government, Social Spaces)
> + Metadata Generation Processes (e.g., Human, Automatic, and
>   Hybrid)
> + Metadata Harvesting
> + Multilingual Issues
> + Interoperability
> + Knowledge Organization Systems (e.g., Ontologies, Taxonomies,
>   and Thesauri)
> + Localization and Internationalization
> + Normalization and Crosswalks
> + Quality and Evaluation
> + Registries and Registry Services
> + Search Engines and Metadata
> + Social Tagging
> ________________________________
> All paper submissions to the Conference Proceedings are peer
> reviewed by the International Program Committee.  The Committee
> is soliciting paper contributions of the following two types:
> -- Full Papers (8 to 10 pages).  Full papers either describe
>    innovative original work in detail or provide critical,
>    well-referenced overviews of key developments or good practice
>    in the areas outlined above.  Full papers will be assessed
>    using the following criteria:
>    o  Originality of the approach to implementation
>    o  Generalizability of the methods and results described
>    o  Quality of the contribution to the implementation community
>    o  Significance of the results presented
>    o  Clarity of presentation
> -- Project Reports (3 to 5 pages).  Project reports describe
>    a specific model, application, or activity in a concise,
>    prescribed format.  Project reports will be assessed using
>    the following criteria:
>    o  Conciseness and completeness of technical description
>    o  Usability of the technical description by other potential
>       implementers
>    o  Clarity of presentation
> Paper submissions in both categories must be in English and
> will be published in both the print and the official electronic
> versions of the conference proceedings.  Accepted papers must
> be presented in Singapore by at least one of their authors.
> ________________________________
> Workshop Proposals (1 page).  Workshop proposals define
> the topic of a workshop session at the conference, identify
> session organizers, and describe a process for inviting and
> reviewing contributions.
> ________________________________
> Authors wishing to submit papers or workshop proposals
> may do so through the DCMI Peer Review System at
> http://www.dcmipubs.org/ojs/index.php/pubs/.  Author
> registration and links to the submission process appear under
> the "Information for Authors" link.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Nanyang Technological University
> aschaudhry at ntu.edu.sg
> Stuart A. Sutton, University of Washington
> sasutton at u.washington.edu
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

Joseph T. Tennis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Coordinator for the MAS and MLIS First Nations Concentration
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
The University of British Columbia
301 - 6190 Agronomy Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
phone: 1.604.822.2431
fax: 1.604.822.6006
jtennis [at] interchange.ubc.ca

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