[Sigcr-l] Re: Practical applications of networking standards for KOS

Dragan Gasevic dgasevic at sfu.ca
Wed Feb 8 19:24:45 EST 2006

Hi Alistair:

Thank for your comments. I am happy to hear that you liked the paper :).

>From the perspective of the applications we are working on (e-learning) SKOS 
satisfies all the needs in terms of information retrieval - or search for 
learning objects across different repositories/digital libraries. On the 
other hand, it simple and not hard to be used.

We are very interested in the future development of the SKOS Mapping 
vocabulary. The reason is - we've been developing mapping algorithms for 
lightweight ontologies (SKOS) based on the content they annotate. For 
example, we use text mining techniques to analyze the titles and abstracts 
of papers in different DLs based on different classifications. Once we 
discover those mappings, we would like to encode them using a standardized 
format, so that the approach presented in the paper will be automated 
completely. Though the present SKOS mapping vocabulary is simple, it's very 
intuitive to human (none semantic web use), and it's very suitable for our 
needs. As we have already implemented the search algorithm based on SKOS and 
have encoded several classifications in SKOS, we would like to keep using 
SKOS mapping vocabulary. So, I'll be very keen on helping you develop the 
SKOS Mappings :).


Dragan Gasevic, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Simon Fraser University Surrey
13450 102 Ave.
Surrey, BC V3T 5X3

Phone: +1 604 268.7520
Fax: +1 604 268.7488
E-mail: dgasevic at sfu.ca, dgasevic at acm.org
URL: http://www.sfu.ca/~dgasevic

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alistair Miles" <a.j.miles at rl.ac.uk>
To: "Dragan Gasevic" <dgasevic at sfu.ca>
Cc: "SW Best Practices" <public-swbp-wg at w3.org>; <sigcr-l at asis.org>; 
<public-esw-thes at w3.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Practical applications of networking standards for KOS

> Hi Dragan,
> >
> http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS//Vol-156/paper6.pdf
> Nice paper :) I have a sketch of a similar algorithm.
> I think mapping should be in scope for future SKOS work. I also very much 
> like the idea of using information retrieval use cases to motivate the 
> design of mapping vocabularies and algorithms.
> Cheers,
> Al.
> Dragan Gasevic wrote:
>>  Hi Ron:
>>  You might be interested in the algorithm my colleague Marek Hatala and I 
>> developed for searching web resources using multiple concept schemas. We 
>> use SKOS concept schemas, SKOS Mapping vocabulary, and Jess as an 
>> implementation language. We experimented with ACM Computing 
>> classification system, Merlot directory, and a part of Dewey Decimal 
>> Classification System. Details you can see in the paper:
>>  Gašević, D., Hatala, M., "Searching Web Resources Using Ontology 
>> Mappings," In Proceedings of the Workshop on Integrating Ontologies (at 
>> the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Capture), (CEUR Workshop 
>> Proceedings Vol. 156, http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-156), Banff, Canada, 2005, 
>> pp. 33-40, 
>> http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS//Vol-156/paper6.pdf
>>  Any comments, questions, ... are very welcome :).
>>  Regards,
>> Dragan
>>  ---------------------
>> Dragan Gasevic, PhD
>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>>  School of Interactive Arts and Technology
>> Simon Fraser University Surrey
>> 13450 102 Ave.
>> Surrey, BC V3T 5X3
>> Canada
>>  Phone: +1 604 268.7520
>> Fax: +1 604 268.7488
>> E-mail: dgasevic at sfu.ca <mailto:dgasevic at sfu.ca>, dgasevic at acm.org 
>> <mailto:dgasevic at acm.org>
>> URL: http://www.sfu.ca/~dgasevic
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     *From:* Ron Davies <mailto:ron at rondavies.be>
>>     *To:* NKOS at dli2.nsf.gov <mailto:NKOS at dli2.nsf.gov> ;
>>     sigcr-l at asis.org <mailto:sigcr-l at asis.org> ; public-esw-thes at w3.org
>>     <mailto:public-esw-thes at w3.org>
>>     *Sent:* Saturday, February 04, 2006 11:48 AM
>>     *Subject:* Practical applications of networking standards for KOS
>>     My apologies in advance for cross-posting.
>>     For a presentation this spring, I am trying to collect information
>>     on practical, real world uses of standards for sharing and making
>>     use of networked knowledge organisation systems. Knowledge
>>     organisation systems (KOS) of course include classification schemes,
>>     subject heading lists, thesauri, ontologies and other controlled
>>     vocabularies. Uses might include migrating schemes from a management
>>     system to a retrieval application or another management application,
>>     translation of a thesaurus from one natural language to another, 
>> translating searches from one indexing language to another (or from
>>     one natural language to another), and expanding or enriching queries.
>>     If you are using a standard for presenting the content of
>>     classification schemes, thesauri or ontologies in a networked
>>     environment or a standard protocol for accessing that information,
>>     please send me some brief information or references to your
>>     application, and (ideally) a URL where this information will be
>>     available. If you are not using a standard, but are still doing any
>>     of the above, I would also be interested in hearing about your
>>     application. I will, of course, summarise responses for the list.
>>     Thanks in advance.
>>     Ron
>>     Ron Davies
>>     Av. Baden-Powell 1  Bte 2, 1200 Brussels, Belgium       Email: 
>> ron(at)rondavies.be
>>     Tel:    +32 (0)2 770 33 51
>>     GSM:    +32 (0)484 502 393
> -- 
> Alistair Miles
> Research Associate
> CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> Building R1 Room 1.60
> Fermi Avenue
> Chilton
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
> United Kingdom
> Email: a.j.miles at rl.ac.uk
> Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440 

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