[Sigcr-l] Online Petition to Prevent the Library of Congress From Abandoning the Creation of Series Authority Records

klabarre at uiuc.edu klabarre at uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 28 05:25:32 EDT 2006


Please forgive any duplication.

I have used Elaine Sanchez's petition (with some editing and
with her permission) to create an online petition.  I thought
it would be easier to collect more signatures this way.  I
would like to have all signatures by 3:00 PM EST on Friday,
May 5.  After that I will e-mail and snail-mail the petition
to the members of the House/Senate Committee on the Library of
Congress, Beacher Wiggins, James H. Billington, and possibly
others if there are suggestions.  Any who wishes to, may print
this petition and mail it to your congressional representatives.

To access the petition:


Please cross post and share!

Thank you,

Robert Bratton
Cataloging Librarian
Jacob Burns Law Library
George Washington University

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