[Sigcr-l] SIG-CR Ballot for 2004-2005

Kathryn La Barre klabarre at indiana.edu
Wed Nov 3 13:14:33 EST 2004


I share your concerns and think it is highly important that SIG-CR regain
the richness and vitality it has demonstrated in the recent past. 

I have every confidence that the new Chair will assist us in this effort
and I encourage each of you to attend the planning session at ASIST. If
you are unable to do this please do not hesitate to use the forum provided
by this list to communicate with the membership about what you would like
to see SIG-CR accomplish in the coming years.


On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Miguel E. Ruiz wrote:

> Hi Jens-Erik,
> Thanks for the thoughtful comments about your position and explanation of the 
> issues in SIGCR. I agree with you in your assessment that the SIGs are the 
> backbone of ASIS&T. For this reason one of the goals of whoever gets elected 
> should be to encourage more participation of the members in SIGCR.
> My main concern when I sent my message on Friday was that the election of 
> SICGR officers, as it was presented, looked more like a popularity contest.  
> Unfortunately the list server was either down or the configuration requires 
> approval of messages and the message was not delivered until Tuesday.
> I don't doubt that you or Jian are qualified to lead the group but the issues 
> and goals have to be more transparent so that the members can understand them 
> and be more willing to participate. 
> I particularly feel that SIGCR was one of the best SIGs but has been falling 
> behind steadily. I want to make clear that this in not to blame the past 
> Chairs (there is only so much that a person or two can do), but rather to 
> encourage a change among all current members to make SIGCR a more active 
> group. 
> Best regards,
> Miguel Ruiz
> On Tuesday 02 November 2004 04:28 pm, Jens-Erik Mai wrote:
> > Hi Miguel,
> > Thanks for your e-mail.  I notice that you sent this out Friday but it
> > didn't arrive on the SIG/CR List before today... hrmmm... strange... oh,
> > well.  I think your suggestion is good.  It would have been good if Jian
> > and I had posted statements on the list.  That is, however, a bit too
> > late now, since the election is closed and Micki will post the results
> > soon.
> >
> > However, I would like to take a few minutes and explain to you why I am
> > interested in the position.  I think the SIGs are the backbone of ASIST.
> > ASIST needs strong and vibrant SIGs.  SIG/CR is one of the strongest and
> > best run SIGs in ASIST and I want that to continue.  My goal as Chair
> > would be to continue building the strength of SIG/CR.
> >
> > One thing that I think we need to do to make SIG/CR stronger is to
> > separate the position as Chair of the SIG from the position as Chair of
> > the Workshop.  Arranging the Workshop requires so much work and
> > attention that it is impossible to do other things for the SIG at the
> > same time.
> >
> > I do have experience in organizing Workshop and as the SIG Chair I would
> > be happy support the Workshop Chair while I oversee, shepherd, and
> > support other activities in the SIG.  I would be the person that made
> > sure that website was up to date, the mailing list works, the reports
> > are submitted to the HQ, etc. all these little small things that are
> > difficult to fit in when you organize a workshop.  I would also be happy
> > to help with the workshop as well, after all I do have some experience
> > with that...  But I am not interested in organizing the Workshop again.
> > Well at least not now... maybe in a few years.
> >
> > The workshop task is really a two-year commitment... you will spend a
> > fair number of hours in the year after the workshop getting the
> > proceedings together...  That's also a reason why I think it would be
> > good to separate the Workshop Chair position and the SIG Chair
> > position... right now the SIG/CR Chair position is really a three year
> > (!) commitment.  The first year as Chair-Elect where you organize the
> > panels at the ASIST Annual Meeting, in the second year you organize the
> > Workshop, and in the third year you get the proceedings together.  I
> > think that's too much for most people.
> >
> > Another thing I would do as SIG chair is to establish contacts with
> > other KO communities and ASIST SIGs.  I think it is about time that the
> > various KO communities start collaborating a bit more... I think it is
> > sad that NKOS had to cancel their workshop, that ISKO has trouble
> > getting their conference to North America, and that the SIG/CR workshop
> > haven't been as successful and well attended as they could have... Maybe
> > it is time for a joint conference on KO?  Maybe it is time for shared
> > mailing lists?, shared memberships?, shared journals?, etc.  I would
> > also explore possibilities for joint activities with other ASIST SIGs; a
> > joint workshop with SIG/USE, SIG/HFIS, SIG/STI, or SIG/DL maybe?  Maybe
> > we could do a workshop or something at the IA summit?
> >
> > I hope this helps.  Although it is a bit too late... ;-)
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Jens-Erik
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org] On
> > Behalf Of Miguel E. Ruiz
> > Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 10:03 AM
> > To: sigcr-l at asis.org
> > Subject: Re: [Sigcr-l] SIG-CR Ballot for 2004-2005
> >
> > Jens-Erik and Jian,
> >
> > I probably should have sent this earlier but today is when I really
> > thought
> > about casting my vote. I know both of you and know about your
> > professional
> > accomplishments (I can see this in the current description and in your
> > respective web pages). However, I believe that you should send a more
> > concrete statement about your plan and possible contribution to the
> > group as
> > Chair Elect (and future Chair) as well as what you think the future of
> > this
> > group should be. Could you send this to the list this weekend?
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Miguel E. Ruiz
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sigcr-l mailing list
> > Sigcr-l at asis.org
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> -- 
> Dr. Miguel E. Ruiz
> State University of New York at Buffalo
> School of Informatics
> Department of Library and Information Studies
> 534 Baldy Hall
> Buffalo, NY 14260
> Phone: (716) 645-2412 ext. 1258
> Fax: (716) 645-3775
> _______________________________________________
> Sigcr-l mailing list
> Sigcr-l at asis.org
> http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/sigcr-l

	Kathryn La Barre	http://mypage.iu.edu/~klabarre
	doctoral candidate, 
	School of Library and Information Science

	The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. 
	It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true	
	art and true science. 
				Einstein (1954). Ideas and Opinions p. 11.


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