[Sigcr-l] Chair-Elect of SIG-CR

Mikel Breitenstein mikel at breitenstein.com
Wed Oct 22 11:13:07 EDT 2003

Thanks to all who voted for this position. The new Chair-Elect is Jack Andersen.

Our other candidate, Mike McGlashen, deserves thanks for standing for election,
and an even greater thanks for running the SIG-CR workshop this year at
the very last minute. He did a great job, especially coping with extra problems
of technology and speakers not showing up, and so on... THANKS, MIKE!

I'll be in touch soon about next year's workshop, panel sessions, and other
matters that concern the SIG.

Contact me any time about any concerns you have, please.

Micki Breitenstein
Chair -- SIG-CR

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