[Sigcr-l] 13th ASIS&T SIG/CR Workshop - Call for papers and participation

Jens-Erik Mai jemai at u.washington.edu
Tue Apr 23 18:11:44 EDT 2002

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13th ASIS&T SIG/CR Workshop

"Reconceptualizing Classification Research"

Call for papers and participation


The American Society for Information Science & Technology
(http://www.asis.org/ <http://www.asis.org/> )  (ASIS&T), Special Interest
Group on Classification Research is pleased to announce its thirteenth
workshop to take place on Sunday November 17, 2002 at the Annual Meeting of
ASIS&T (http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM2002/index.html
<http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM2002/index.html> ), Philadelphia, PA. 


This year's workshop is a departure from those of previous years.  We feel
that instead of presenting and discussing current work, perhaps it is a good
time to step back and take a more reflective view.  Thus, the aim of this
year's workshop will be to identify and articulate research questions and
research agendas that could form the core of classification research in the
next decade.  The underlying assumption is that this is an exciting time for
classification research, but that the classification-research community
needs to revisit the current state of knowledge in order to identify
potentially productive directions for future research and future
collaborations with other areas of information science.  In short, we need
to ask ourselves, where are we now, and what needs to be done?  The outcomes
of this workshop could be the formation of a committee or several
subcommittees focused on specific areas, recommendations for future
directions, or a joint paper on the status and future of classification


Anyone with an interest in helping to shape the future of classification
research is encouraged to participate in the workshop.  You are asked to
submit a position paper in which you outline your view of the present status
of classification research and what you consider to be the most important
and promising future research agendas.  Your paper can be about
classification research in general, or some more specific segment of the
field.  The focus of the paper should not be on answers, but rather on
researchable areas that need exploration.  The target audience for the
workshop is both researchers and practitioners who are interested in taking
part in forming the future research agendas for classification research.


Participants are invited to submit a full position paper, of no more than
2000 words, by July 15, 2002.  Submitted papers will be accepted for
presentation at the workshop on the basis of their originality, relevance,
and capacity for stimulating discussion.


Accepted position papers will be made available to all participants, online,
four weeks before the workshop. Participants are expected to read the
position papers in advance so that they can be actively involved in
discussion at the workshop.  The exact structure of the workshop will depend
to some extent on the topics and themes of accepted position papers, but it
is envisaged that presenters will each have a short period in which to
present their paper, and that presentations will be followed by extended
discussion. It is also intended that participants in each session will work
towards reaching a consensus on the recommendation of appropriate further
action (e.g., writing a joint paper, forming a committee, etc.).  Our hope
is that the workshop will generate specific interest groups, and that
participants will find a way to contribute to any endeavor emerging as a


Important dates:

July 15, 2002 - Full position papers due.  Each paper should be no more than
2000 words and follow the guidelines specified here:



Sept. 1, 2001 - Notification of acceptance.  Reviewer comments and
suggestions for revisions will be provided.


Oct. 1, 2002 - Final position papers due.


Oct. 15, 2002 - Position papers will be made available online.


Nov. 17, 2002 - Day of workshop.


Workshop chairs:

Clare Beghtol 

Faculty of Information Studies

University of Toronto

beghtol at fis.utoronto.ca <mailto:beghtol at fis.utoronto.ca> 


Jonathan Furner

Department of Information Studies

University of California, Los Angeles

jfurner at ucla.edu <mailto:jfurner at ucla.edu> 


Barbara Kwasnik  

School of Information Studies

Syracuse University

Bkwasnik at syr.edu <mailto:Bkwasnik at syr.edu> 


Jens-Erik Mai *

The Information School

University of Washington

jemai at u.washington.edu <mailto:jemai at u.washington.edu> 


(*Please send all correspondence to Jens-Erik Mai)



Program committee:

Hanne Albrechtsen, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark

Jack Andersen, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark

Elisabeth Davenport, Napier University, Scotland  

Jane Greenberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Edie Rasmussen, University of Pittsburgh  

Paul Solomon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 




Jens-Erik Mai

Assistant Professor

The Information School

University of Washington

Mary Gates Hall

Box 352840

Seattle, WA 98195-2840

Phone: 206 616 2541

Fax: 206 616 3152

E-mail: jemai at u.washington.edu <mailto:jemai at u.washington.edu>  

Web: www.ischool.washington.edu <http://www.ischool.washington.edu/> 




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