[Sigcabinet] new members brunch - pay out of SIG Project Fund

Rafal Kasprowski rk11 at rice.edu
Thu Oct 22 14:08:06 EDT 2009

"more equitable" sounds good to me.

Rafal Kasprowski                 Acquisitions Dept.
Electronic Resources Librarian   Fondren Library MS44
713-348-2621 (tel)               Rice University
713-348-5862 (fax)               6100 Main Street
rk11 at rice.edu                    Houston, TX 77005

On 10/22/2009 12:45 PM, KT Vaughan wrote:
> SIG Cabinet Steering Cte:
> I would like to propose that the cost of the New Member/First Time 
> Attendees Brunch come from the SIG Project & Reserve Fund, rather than 
> as individual donations from SIGs that can afford it and choose to 
> contribute.  I think this will be more equitable to the SIGs, and since 
> it's a membership drive for all SIGs it seems like the general fund 
> should pay.  I'm copying Heather on this email to let her know that 
> we're discussing this.
> We don't need a motion - just a simple indication of whether you think 
> this is a bad or good idea.  If there isn't a consensus we can discuss 
> more formally.
> KT

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