[Sigcabinet] Action: scheduling ASIST SIG Cabinet phone conference

KT Vaughan ktlv at email.unc.edu
Mon Aug 10 15:25:12 EDT 2009

Hi all -
I would like to discuss with y'all the outcomes from the recent ASIS&T 
Board meeting, which covered a number of topics of concern to SIGs.  
These include financial restructuring of the SIGs and major changes to 
how the Annual Meeting is organized.  Please respond to this Doodle poll 
with the times you're available in the next 10 days to talk for about an 
hour.  We'll hit the highlights and then continue discussion over 
email.  Dick, I assume you'll be able to set up a teleconference for us?

If you would also contact your SIG sheep (you're the shepherds, they're 
the sheep!) and remind them that awards deadlines are coming up fast, I 
would appreciate it.


ASIS&T SIG Cabinet Director, 2007-2009

Pharmacy Librarian
UNC-CH Health Sciences Library	

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

CB 7585
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585
Phone: 919 966 8011
Fax: 919 966 5592
Email: ktlv at email.unc.edu

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