From rhill at Tue Nov 30 09:36:47 2004 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Tue Nov 30 09:44:29 2004 Subject: [SIGALP] ASIST '05 Call for Participation, 10/28 - 11/02, 2005 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Sparking Synergies: Bringing Research and Practice Together @ ASIST '05 American Society for Information Science & Technology 2005 Annual Meeting October 28-November 2, 2005, Charlotte, North Carolina ASIST 2005 will focus on the diversity of perspectives and insights from all those participating in the information science and technology community, as they generate innovative ideas, define theoretical concepts or work out the nuts and bolts of imple?men?ting well-tested ideas in new ways and in new settings. A wide variety of plenary and invited speakers, moder?ated panels, poster sessions and refereed papers will explore this theme. Submissions by researchers and practitioners on any topic in information science and tech?nology are solicited. TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS Contributed papers Contributed posters/short papers Technical sessions and panels Pre-conference sessions SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Deadlines January 21, 2005 Proposals due for contributed papers, technical sessions and panels, and pre-conference sessions February 25, 2005 Proposals due for contributed posters/short papers March 31, 2005 Authors/proposers notified of acceptance May 27, 2005 Final versions due for conference proceedings Who can submit Individuals, ASIST special interest groups (SIGs), or institutions may make any type of submission. Proposers are welcomed from any academic, nonprofit, corporate, or government area in any part of the world. Proposers need not be members of ASIST. ASIST SIG chairs are encouraged to help coordinate proposals from their members. Where and how to submit All submissions are made electronically via a link from the ASIST Web site (, coming by December 3, 2004. Details on acceptable file formats, citation style, and specific contact information required in the online submission form will be on the Web page during December. _____ Richard B. Hill Executive Director American Society for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Fax: (301) 495-0810 Voice: (301) 495-0900