[SIGALP] ASIST IA Summit Early Registration

Richard Hill rhill@asis.org
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 15:46:32 -0500

Reminder:  The deadline for early registration for the 2004 Information Ar=
chitecture Summit is January 24, 2004

See http://www=2Eiasummit=2Eorg/index=2Ehtml

The Summit is about the best treat you can give yourself if you are involv=
ed in information architecture or want to be=2E  =2E It's also in Austin t=
his year, which will make a nice break from East coast weather as well=2E
Go to the Summit website to find out more and register online=2E
Information architecture is: 1=2E The combination of organization, labelin=
g and navigation schemes within an information system 2=2E The structural =
design of an information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive=
 access to content=2E 3=2E The art and science of structuring and classify=
ing web sites and intranets to help people find and manage information 4=2E=
 An emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing prin=
ciples of design and architecture to the digital landscape=2E From Rosenfe=
ld and Morville (1)

Dick Hill

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
(301) 495-0900