[Sigah-l] SIG AH call for officer nominations - due Oct. 9

Sarah A Buchanan sarahab at utexas.edu
Mon Oct 1 14:52:45 EDT 2012

Dear SIG AH,

     We're looking forward to seeing you at this month's AM in Baltimore.
First, we would like to open this year's officer elections for the SIG so
that all our members have a chance to participate, before the meeting. Mary
Ann Harlan, elected during last year's meeting, will be Chair as of our
business meeting on Oct. 29. Thus, we call upon you to put forward your
names or those of your colleagues for the positions of:

Treasurer/Alt. Cabinet Representative
Communications Officer
other position you envision

Nominations are due in a week, on Tues., Oct. 9. Please send your
nominations to myself, Sarah (sarahab at utexas.edu), and/or Mary Ann (
maryann.harlan at gmail.com) . We envision holding the election via email with
the 'voting polls' open until Oct. 16th. Participation in SIG AH is a great
way to share new developments in the digital humanities, digital images,
texts, and sound, so we look forward to hearing from you!

Secondly, mark your calendars for SIG AH's business meeting on Monday Oct.
29th, at 5-6PM. This is right between the last sessions of the day and the
Poster Reception at 6:30, so I hope to see many of you there. It is in room
Calloway B, Hilton Baltimore.  Here are the events SIG AH will be attending:

Sunday (28th, Oct.):
8:30am: SIG Cabinet meeting
Noon: New member brunch (during which the SIG's slide will be shown)
7pm: SIG rush reception

Monday (29th, Oct.)
5-6pm: SIG AH business meeting in Calloway B

     So send in your names and participate in SIG AH!

Thank you,

Sarah Buchanan, SIG AH Chair
Mary Ann Harlan, SIG AH Chair-Elect

Sarah Buchanan
Information Studies, Ph.D. Student
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