From ku26 at Sat Aug 12 16:34:19 2017 From: ku26 at (Unsworth,Kristene) Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 20:34:19 +0000 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG of the Year nominations due August 15th! Message-ID: Hi all, just a reminder that if you'd like your SIG to be considered for SIG of the year your Annual Report is due this Tuesday, August 15th! [] SIG Annual Activities Report Form | ASIS&T I'm sure you've all be doing terrific things so I hope to receive many of these reports by Tuesday! Kris ************************************* Kristene Unsworth Assistant Professor Department of Information Science College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Office: Rush Building #409 Phone: (215)895-6016 Fax: (215)895-2494 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ku26 at Sun Aug 13 15:44:23 2017 From: ku26 at (Unsworth,Kristene) Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 19:44:23 +0000 Subject: [Sig-l] Project funds anyone?! Message-ID: You have a couple of days left to submit requests for special project funds! Please take advantage of this great opportunity to request some extra funding for projects! Send these requests directly to me at DETAILS Special Project Special Fund application (This a 1-2 page document; there?s no form) ? Due by August 15 (for any event to be given at the Annual Meeting) ? Submitted by SIG Chair ? Written by SIG Chair or whomever the Chair designates ? Due to Kris Unsworth ? Contents include intent of, justification for, and management plan for the funds * Restrictions: funds will not be used to compensate ASIS&T members for: 1. Travel expenses unless they are an intrinsic part of an approved SIG project and are specifically outlined in the original request. 2. Expenses incurred at an ASIS&T national or regional meeting unless they are part of an approved project 3. Expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings. 4. Honoraria to speakers at an ASIS&T national or regional meeting. 5. Professional time spent on a project. Please contact me if you have questions! ************************************* Kristene Unsworth Assistant Professor Department of Information Science College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Office: Rush Building #409 Phone: (215)895-6016 Fax: (215)895-2494 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: