[Sig-l] Call for Communications Tools and Use Cases

Eka Grguric egrguric at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 10:35:55 EDT 2016

Dear ASIS&T members,

In response to a request from our ASIS&T SIG cabinet we have begun work on
establishing a comprehensive list of communication tools with the intention
of helping ASIS&T members navigate the increasing number of tools available
for carrying out SIG and chapter business with dispersed teams.

Please take the time to provide a short summary of communication tools that
you have used or explored and your experience using them (regardless of
whether it was good or bad!) in this spreadsheet:


The “Google Hangouts” entry is provided as an example to help guide data
entry. Please feel free to edit or add content including the name and URL
of the tool, a brief description of what it does, any limitations, tips for
use. Adding a tool should take no more than a minute or two.

Thank you in advance for helping out ASIS&T!

Kris Unsworth

Nicole Gaston
Eka Grguric
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