From egrguric at Thu Jul 7 10:35:55 2016 From: egrguric at (Eka Grguric) Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:35:55 -0400 Subject: [Sig-l] Call for Communications Tools and Use Cases Message-ID: Dear ASIS&T members, In response to a request from our ASIS&T SIG cabinet we have begun work on establishing a comprehensive list of communication tools with the intention of helping ASIS&T members navigate the increasing number of tools available for carrying out SIG and chapter business with dispersed teams. Please take the time to provide a short summary of communication tools that you have used or explored and your experience using them (regardless of whether it was good or bad!) in this spreadsheet: The ?Google Hangouts? entry is provided as an example to help guide data entry. Please feel free to edit or add content including the name and URL of the tool, a brief description of what it does, any limitations, tips for use. Adding a tool should take no more than a minute or two. Thank you in advance for helping out ASIS&T! Kris Unsworth Nicole Gaston Eka Grguric -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ku26 at Fri Jul 8 13:51:55 2016 From: ku26 at (Unsworth,Kristene) Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 17:51:55 +0000 Subject: [Sig-l] Call for Communications Tools and Use Cases Message-ID: Dear ASIS&T members, In response to a request from our ASIS&T SIG cabinet we have begun work on establishing a comprehensive list of communication tools with the intention of helping ASIS&T members navigate the increasing number of tools available for carrying out SIG and chapter business with dispersed teams. Please take the time to provide a short summary of communication tools that you have used or explored and your experience using them (regardless of whether it was good or bad!) in this spreadsheet: The ?Google Hangouts? entry is provided as an example to help guide data entry. Please feel free to edit or add content including the name and URL of the tool, a brief description of what it does, any limitations, tips for use. Adding a tool should take no more than a minute or two. Thank you in advance for helping out ASIS&T! Nicole Gaston Eka Grguric Kris Unsworth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristene Unsworth, PhD. Assistant Professor ASIS&T SIG-IEP, Chair The College of Computing & Informatics Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215.895.6016 | Fax: 215.895.2494 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Fri Jul 15 18:17:51 2016 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 16:17:51 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG Publication of the Year In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Do you have a wonderful publication to nominate for your SIG? Go to the SIG Resources page at the website and nominate the publication for your SIG. Today! SIG Directors. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Mon Jul 18 19:22:49 2016 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 17:22:49 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG of the Year Message-ID: Hi All All SIGs must turn in an annual report. If you wish to compete for the SIG of the Year, your annual report must be in by August 15th. You can use this link to get all the specifics: If your SIG does not want to complete for the SIG of the Year, you can use the following link to turn in your SIG's annual report: Don't forget this date: August 15th! SIG Cabinet Directors Past- Heather Current - Lynn Deputy - Kris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Mon Jul 18 19:32:12 2016 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 17:32:12 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG Member of the Year Message-ID: Hi All, Do you have an unbelievable member in your SIG? Someone who is very active; always helping out others in the SIG; just amazing SIG member? Nominate them for SIG Member of the Year by August 15th. Here is some more information: Don't forget this date: August 15th! SIG Cabinet Directors Past- Heather Current - Lynn Deputy - Kris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Sun Jul 31 19:49:30 2016 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 17:49:30 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG Member of the Year Message-ID: Hi All, Do you have an unbelievable member in your SIG? Someone who is very active; always helping out others in the SIG; just an amazing SIG member? Nominate them for SIG Member of the Year by August 15th. Here is some more information: Don't forget this date: August 15th! SIG Cabinet Directors Past- Heather Current - Lynn Deputy - Kris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Sun Jul 31 19:51:39 2016 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 17:51:39 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG of the Year Message-ID: Hi All All SIGs must turn in an annual report. If you wish to compete for the SIG of the Year, your annual report must be in by August 15th. You can use this link to get all the specifics: -of-the-year/ If your SIG does not want to complete for the SIG of the Year, you can use the following link to turn in your SIG's annual report: SIG/sigreportfom.html Don't forget this date: August 15th! SIG Cabinet Directors Past- Heather Current - Lynn Deputy - Kris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: