From heatherdpfeiffer at Thu Sep 10 09:52:43 2015 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 07:52:43 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] Important Information about Upcoming Deadlines for SIGs before Annual Meeting Message-ID: Hi All, I know all of you are getting ready for the Annual Meeting, but there are a few things we need to get done first: 1) If you have not turned in your Annual Report for your SIG (I am missing 8 SIGs), please get it turned in now. The SIG annual activities report covers the period of August 1st, 2014 through July 31st, 2015 and should include both qualitative and quantitative information about your SIG's activities during the year, including descriptions of conference sessions, publications, planning meetings, etc. Submit your annual report here: These reports must be submitted by September 15th! 2) We are coming to the close of the FY15 budget year. You must spend all your SIG's allocated amount by September 30th. There is no carry-over of allocations (earned income carries over from year to year). If you want to use part of this year's SIG allocation for the Annual Meeting supplies, purchase those supplies now and submit your receipts for reimbursement to Jan Hatzakos at jan at If these supplies are not currently budgeted in your FY15 budget, please update your budget to reflect them. Any allocation that is not spent by September 30th will go back to the ASIS&T general fund or you can give any unused allocation funds to another SIG if you contact Jan before September 30th with a letter from the Chair of the SIG that wants to give the funds. 3) Start thinking about your FY16 budget which will include your workshops and other activities at the Annual Meeting. Talk to Vanessa at vanessa at for prices on AV, food, etc. She will also help your SIG understand the amount of that will be charged as a registration fee for your AM workshop. Remember you can modify your budget through out the year. 4) Once you have your annual report in start working on your election of officers for next FY16 year. It will be best if you do them by email or survey before you get to the annual meeting. You must elect a Chair (best if you also elect a Chair-Elect), but other officers are optional. The officer's manual ( indicates that the best practice is to complete the election 6 weeks prior to AM, so please don't wait if at all possible. As soon as you have your new officers, please email the names and emails to me, heatherdpfeiffer at Thank you so much and please ask questions if you don't understand any part of this process. Sincerely, -Heather Dr. Heather Pfeiffer SIG Cabinet Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Wed Sep 16 09:24:29 2015 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2015 07:24:29 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] Running SIG Rosters on *new* Website Message-ID: Hi All, Jan has setup to run SIG rosters from the **new web site**. This is now available to anyone with authorization to run SIG reports. If you don't have authorization, please let me know and I can work with Jan to get you it. Instructions: Login to the ASIS&T website and go to your profile page (if you?re already logged in, get there by clicking on your underlined name ? upper right). In the left hand menu, you?ll see *SIG Roster* (under Contact Us). You can run the reports 3 different ways 1) display to the screen ? this is a quick report and only gives limited info ? same info as any member would get by running a member list by SIG or Chapter ? the report does not show mailing addresses or phone numbers. 2) CSV (comma separated values) report ? download to excel to sort, etc. This shows addresses & phone numbers. 3) PDF report. This shows addresses & phone numbers. Please be sure to thank Jan when you see her at the Annual Meeting! -Heather Dr. Heather Pfeiffer SIG Cabinet Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Fri Sep 18 15:08:05 2015 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 13:08:05 -0600 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG Cabinet Election Results Message-ID: I am excited that we had a wonderful election for Deputy Director and Adviser on SIG Cabinet Steering Committee this year! Before I go any further I would like to thank our four candidates: Moriana Garcia, Kristene Unsworth, Michael Luesebrink and Rong Tang for running! For Deputy Director of the SIG Cabinet you have elected Kristene Unsworth and for Advisor you have elected Michael Luesebrink. These individuals with take office at the Annual Meeting. I would like to also thank Kathryn La Barre for running the election so smoothly! -Heather Dr. Heather Pfeiffer SIG Cabinet Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: