From klabarre at Sun Nov 2 13:31:20 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 10:31:20 -0800 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG Cabinet election outcome - please add these individuals to the website and to sig-l Message-ID: Greetings and Congratulations to the newly elected members of the ASIST SIG Cabinet! (copied on this message). Dr. Lynn Westbrook was elected as SIG Cabinet Deputy Director (2014-17) " lynnwest at" Incoming SIG Cabinet Steering Committee members Joan Beaudoin Joan.Beaudoin at Lai Ma at Abebe Rorissa arorissa at I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing members for their service over the past year, Sarah Buchanan (Steering Committee) 2012-14 Chris Landbeck, (SIG Cabinet leader 2011-2014) Cassidy Sugimoto (Steering committee ) 2012-14 Lynn Westbrook (Steering Committee) 2012-14 It has been a great year! Passing the baton to Heather Pfeiffer - your new SIG Cabinet Director. Kathryn La Barre Immediate Past Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heatherdpfeiffer at Sun Nov 2 14:57:03 2014 From: heatherdpfeiffer at (Heather D. Pfeiffer) Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 12:57:03 -0700 Subject: [Sig-l] Information from SIG Cabinet Meeting Message-ID: Hi all, I am very excited (a little scared) to be your new SIG Director, but I am sure Kathryn will help me. Please send me your 3 past chairs for your SIG with their emails so that I can contact them about giving you information to move your SIG forward. Here is a link to the wiki that is available with all sorts of information for working with your SIG: To read the information on the link you do not need a login, but if you would like to add any information, please make a login so that we don?t get ?spammed? J Be sure you send in your new officers for 2014-2015. Need them before you leave the ANNUAL MEETING J Here is the link for filling out the form online (or you can email me): I welcome questions and comments! -Heather Dr. Heather Pfeiffer Incoming SIG Cabinet Director heatherdpfeiffer at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Sun Nov 2 18:26:07 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 15:26:07 -0800 Subject: [Sig-l] Annual meeting SIG programming Friday October 31-Wednesday November 5th Message-ID: ASIST is off to a great start! I'd like to call attention to all of the SIG contributions to programming this year!! Apologies in advance for any errors or omissions. Please pass this information forward to your SIG lists for members who are attending so we can have a strong showing of support for SIGs. *Annual meeting 2014 - SIG programming* Monday November 3 8:30 *Digital Liaisons: Building Communities and Empowering Culture Through Digital Libraries * *(SIG/AH, SIG/DL)* Michael Eisenberg, Karen Fisher, Holley Long ?Grand Ballroom D 1:30 *Boundary Objects in Information Science Research: An Approach for Explicating Connections Between Collections, Cultures and Communities (SIG/CR, SIG/SI, SIG/USE)* Isto Huvila, Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson, Eva Hourihan Jansen, Pam McKenzie, Lynn Westbrook, Adam Worrall Grand Ballroom A *Open Access: The Global Scene (SIG/III)* Shimelis Assefa, Abebe Rorissa, Krystyna Matusiak, Daniel Alemneh, Kris Helge, Sam Hastings Grand Ballroom B 3:30 *3D Technologies: New Tools for Information Scientists to Engage, Educate and Empower Communities (SIG/STI)* Moriana M. Garcia, Kevin Messner, Richard J. Urban, Sam Tripodis, Megan E. Hancock, Tod Colgrove Grand Ballroom D Tuesday November 4 8:30 *Resistance and Possibility: Rethinking the Concept of Subject Access from Queer Theoretical Perspectives (SIG/CR)* Donald Grant Campbell, Melissa Adler, Patrick Keilty Grand Ballroom C *Pluri-, Multi-, Trans-, Meta- and Interdisciplinary Nature of LIS. Does it Really Matter?* *(SIG/HFIS, SIG/ED) * Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Sachi Arafat, Michael Buckland, Melanie Feinberg, Ryan Shaw, Julian Warner Redwood A/B room 10:30 *Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Altmetrics: What Is It All About? (SIG/MET)* Isabella Peters, Judit Bar-Ilan Redwood A/B room 2:00 How Can Information *Providers Connect Information Resources to Entrepreneurs to Spur Innovation in Economic Development? (SIG/III, SIG/USE)* Anmol Kalsi, France Bouthillier, Tao Jin, Yao Zhang Grand Ballroom C *Understanding Networked Youth and Online Privacy: Questions, Methods and Implications (SIG/USE)* Devon L Greyson, Denise E. Agosto, Eric Meyers, Mega Subramaniam, June Abbas Grand Ballroom D *The Role of Social and Other Media in the Unrests in Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine (SIG/III)* Anatoliy Gruzd, Selenay Aytac, Nouf Khashman 4:00 *Curation and Policy Issues in Collaborative Research Data Management Communities: Perspectives from Key Stakeholders * *(SIG/STI) * Michael Luesebrink, Hong Huang, Kristin Bodgan, Dorothea Salo, Charles Thomas, Jevin West, Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson. Grand Ballroom B Most of these have already occurred - but it may be helpful for your SIG to see what others have been doing. SIG Workshops *Friday, Oct. 31 * Trust & Information Policy in the Age of Data (Big or Small) (SIG/IFP & SIG/III) 9:00am - 5:00pm *Saturday, Nov. 1 * 10th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium Connecting (Epistemic) Cultures and (Intellectual) Communities (SIG SI) 8:30am-12:30pm 25th Annual SIG CR Workshop: Universal Classification in the 21st Century (SIG/CR) 8:30am-5:00pm Knowledge Audits from A to Z (SIG/KM) 9:00am - 5:00pm 14th Annual SIG/USE Research Symposium: Context in Information Behavior Research (SIG/USE) 1:30am-6:30pm *Wednesday, Nov. 5* METRICS 2014: Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research (SIG MET) 9:00am-5:00pm -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Sun Nov 2 18:52:22 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 15:52:22 -0800 Subject: [Sig-l] REMINDERS: SIG Business meetings at the annual meeting MONDAY/ TUESDAY! Message-ID: HQ has placed a list of the time and location of all SIG business meetings on the bulletin board adjacent to the registration desk. All SIGs are encouraged to use this to post flyers and other announcements. Find the room and time at the URL below or copied into the email. NOTE: if your SIG needs to change or add a meeting time you can sign up below - open times are indicated): Heather and I are looking forward to meeting with you at the business meetings. Our new Deputy Director will attend some meetings as well. 11/3/2014 (Mon)Madronna 8:00AM - 9:00AM hong huang SIG STI 9:05AM - 10:05AM Pnina Fichman SIG SI 1:45PM - 2:45PM Isabella Peters SIG MET 2:50PM - 3:50PM Anatoliy Gruzd SIG-III 3:55PM - 4:55PM Lai Ma SIG HFIS 11/4/2014 (Tue)Madronna 8:00AM - 9:00AM Bill Edgar SIG MGT 9:05AM - 10:05AM Karen Miller SIG-ED 10:10AM - 11:10AM Kristene Unsworth SIG IFP 2:00PM - 3:00PM Si Sun SIG HLTH 3:05PM - 4:05PM Rong Tang SIG USE 4:10PM - 5:10PM 11/3/2014 (Mon)Juniper 8:00AM - 9:00AM D. Grant Campbell SIG/CR 9:05AM - 10:05AM Mary Ann Harlan SIGAH 1:45PM - 2:45PM 2:50PM - 3:50PM 3:55PM - 4:55PM Heather D Pfeiffer SIG KM 11/4/2014 (Tue)Juniper 8:00AM - 9:00AM 9:05AM - 10:05AM Kevin Comerford SIG-DL 10:10AM - 11:10AM 2:00PM - 3:00PM Krystyna Matusiak SIG VIS -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Sun Nov 2 18:58:50 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 15:58:50 -0800 Subject: [Sig-l] Encourage your members to check out the new beta version of the ASIST website! Message-ID: For those of you who neglected to jot down the URL at the plenary: The SIG Cabinet will be visiting your business meetings especially to bring back questions/ comments about SIG web presence to the Web design group. We are looking forward to talking with you. Kathryn La Barre (Outgoing SIG Cabinet Director) Heather Pfeiffer (Incoming SIG Cabinet DIrector) Lynn Westbrook (Incoming SIG Deputy Director) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Wed Nov 5 09:02:40 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 06:02:40 -0800 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG Officer lists! Please submit these as soon as possible!! Message-ID: Heather and I had a great time visiting SIG meetings this annual meeting. We are so pleased to see all of the energy and the plans each SIG is making for the coming year!! SIG CR, IFP, III, KM, MGT, SI, STI, and VIS, please submit your officers using the online form here: Thanks to SIG AH, DL, ED, HFIS, HLTH, MET, USE, who have already submitted their officers - this information is critical for keeping the website up to date (Jan receives a copy of the form) and Lynn will use it to update the enrollment of SIG-L, the list for elected SIG officers so you don't miss important updates and reminders. If you haven't conducted an election yet please let me know klabarre at Safe travels home, Kathryn Immediate Past SIG Cabinet Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Wed Nov 5 09:30:40 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 06:30:40 -0800 Subject: [Sig-l] Congratulations to the SIG award winners Message-ID: Three SIG awards were presented during the annual meeting. Special thanks to those of you who served on the SIG award juries. I'm forwarding the citations, which were written by each jury chair, so that you can share them with your membership. Congratulations to SIG DL for winning the SIG of the Year award, to SIG SI for winning the publication of the year award, and to Abebe Rorissa, for winning the SIG Member of the Year award! *SIG of the Year award ? SIG DL*For consistent internally-focused effort at recognizing group leadership; For targeted outreach that solicited feedback from group members on SIG membership; For expanding participation through its targeted and conscientious social media presence and the launch of a new electronic newsletter; For sponsoring both poster and lightning talk sessions at the 2013 annual meeting, providing a dedicated venue for undergraduates, masters candidates and recent library and information science graduates to present their research to an audience of peers and information professionals, and the subsequent YouTube access to the videotaped proceedings of these sessions; For outstanding educational outreach to members and practitioners ? including three webinars providing direct educational opportunities to the larger community of practice; For providing support for the 2014 Research Data Access and Preservation summit poster session and to live tweeted the proceedings, providing accessible real-time updates on sessions; And for the resulting level of engagement that has resulted in active participation and planning of the SIG-DL sponsored educational and professional development activities that benefit the ASIS&T organization in specific and the field of information science and technology in general; *SIG member of the year* Dr. Abebe Rorissa is this year's SIG Member of the Year award. He has been an active leader in ASIST for the past 12 years. Among his many activities are: member of the ASIS&T Bulletin Advisory Board (2006 ? Present); Guest editor of the ASIS&T Bulletin (February/March 2007 & June/July 2014 issues);Assistant editor of the Proceedings of the ASIS&T Annual Meetings (2007 & 2008); Manuscript reviewer for JASIS&T and ASIS&T Annual Meetings (2007 ? Present); InfoShare Officer at SIG III (2008 ? 2012). Member of the ASIS&T Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper Award Jury (2011 & 2012); and has been anactive member of SIG VIS & SIG USE (2002-Present). He is honored here for his leadership role with SIG III in 2012 and 2013. Under his careful stewardship, he oversaw an increase of the SIG?s membership, the celebration of SIG III?s 30th Anniversary and publication of the "SIG III 30th Anniversary Commemorative Publication" -- which won the 2013 ASIS&T SIG Publication of the Year Award. Over the past year he coordinated SIG III's first webinar, attended by 100 members, and downloaded by another 130 members within the first two weeks. During the current year, he has advised the SIG on a variety of projects and activities, including the InfoShare Program and International Paper Contest, has helped negotiate a long-term agreement with the Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group to support the International Paper Contest and the publication of winning papers in the International Information & Library Review. Most recently he and Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, co-edited the June/July 2014 issue of the ASIS&T Bulletin on "International Information Issues and ASIS&T" Thanks for your service to SIG III and to ASIST. *SIG Publication of the Year award goes to SIG SI* For the book: Fichman, P. and Rosenbaum H. (eds) (2014). Social Informatics: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge Scholarly Publishers. 225 pages; also found at URL: Since 2005, SI researchers have gathered every fall at the Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium, organized by the Special Interest Group in Social Informatics (SIG-SI) of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). The Symposium, which has been held in conjunction with the ASIS&T annual meetings, is now a meeting place for people interested in exploring the social aspects of computerization. Over the years, it has attracted a vibrant mix of established scholars, newcomers to SI and, importantly for the future of this field, many doctoral students from a broad range of disciplines. This book grew out of the 8th Social Informatics Symposium, which was held in Baltimore in the Fall of 2012. A series of very interesting papers were presented that focused on the past, present, and future of social informatics, exploring a wide range of topics relevant to the field. Cambridge Scholarly Publishers approached the Symposium organizers, Pnina Fichman and Howard Rosenbaum, to develop the Symposium theme into what has become this edited volume. Seven of the papers presented at the 2012 Symposium have been expanded into full length chapters and are included in this book along with five papers that were solicited by the editors from presenters at previous SI symposiums. The result is a volume with 12 chapters that provides a look backward to the origin of SI, several examples of current research by SI scholars and several chapters that offer different visions of the future of SI. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: