[Sig-l] Call for SIG nominations for ASIST-AM panel reviewers ASAP!!!

Kathryn La Barre klabarre at illinois.edu
Fri Mar 28 08:46:46 EDT 2014


I've been contacted by the conference chair, Jens-Erik Mai, with the notice
that the panel track reviewing of SIG-sponsored panels will change this
year. Ideally - J-E would "like to assign at least one reviewer who is
affiliated with a particular SIG(s) to be one of the three reviewers of the
SIG panel proposals."

>From J-E:
"What we need is a list of "SIG people" that could be invited to review for
the conference.  The challenge is to get a list of SIG people who are
active in their SIGs and whom the SIG leadership would like to see that we
involve in the review process. Those nominated will be invited to review -
and must accept the invitation before they are sent any material to review."

More information about reviewing and expected submissions:

IN 2012 there were 58 proposals for panels, 30 were accepted.
Last year there were 45 proposals for panels, 28 were accepted.
Only 24 panels will be accepted this year, but submissions are expected to
be strong.

He's asked me to submit one file of the SIG nominations. Thanks to HFIS
which has already submitted the names of their nominees~!

When you send me your list, I need the following information
Name, email address, institutional affiliation, SIG affiliation.

Thanks for participating in this initiative which is designed to increase
SIG involvement in the annual meeting. We don't have much time to gather
names I'm hoping you can submit them by next Friday.


On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Kathryn La Barre <klabarre at illinois.edu>wrote:

> Greetings,
> The SIG Cabinet has been working hard to maintain SIG involvement in the
> upcoming ASIST annual meeting. You've just seen the panel submission
> reminder. SIGs are now invited to nominate expert panel reviewers. We
> especially encourage nominations of practitioners, as this group is
> typically underrepresented in the reviewing pool.
> Process:
> SIG officers should submit nominees directly to the Panel co-chairs Howard
> Rosenbaum and Pnina Fichman and to Kathryn La Barre, SIG Cabinet Chair (so
> I can report on SIG involvement in this initiative!)
> Reviewing deadlines:
> April 23rd - Notify co-chairs of intended SIG-sponsored submissions
> April 30th - Panel submission deadline
> May 5th - Reviewers receive assignments
> May 26th - Review completion deadline.
> I'm told by the conference chair, Jens-Erik Mai, that all reviewers will
> be asked to indicate their expertise according to a controlled vocabulary.
> Authors will tag submission with the same vocabulary. Assignments will
> match reviewer expertise and submission topics.
> As soon as possible, please submit the name and email address of your
> nominees to:
> Kathryn La Barre klabarre at illinois.edu
> Howard Rosenbaum hrosenba at indiana.edu
> Pnina Fichman fichman at indiana.edu
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