From klabarre at Thu Jun 12 15:29:07 2014 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:29:07 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG summer calendar deadlines and action items. Message-ID: Greetings - I hope your summer is going well. The SIG Cabinet would like to remind you of summer reporting and award nomination deadlines in June, July and August. JUNE/JULY June 11-15 Annual Meeting acceptances for posters, panels and tutorials distributed. Action item: Please let us know which of your SIG-sponsored panels were accepted so that I can include this in the July SIG Cabinet Board report. June 15 Nominations open for the following awards: [1] SIG of the Year (deadline 8/15) [applying for this award satisfies the annual reporting requirement] [2] SIG Member of the Year (deadline 8/15) [3] SIG Publication of the Year (deadline 7/15) JULY 3rd Quarter financial statements issued July 15 SIG Publication of the year nominations due. July 31 [1] Financial allocation for next fiscal year is based on the overall membership in SIGs and individual membership of each SIG as of this date. [2] Last day to apply for SIG Project and Reserve fund. For more details about the fund and instructions about applications please review Appendix C and p. 12- in the SIG officers manual here: Applications should be emailed to the SIG Cabinet Chair: klabarre at AUGUST Aug 15: [1] SIG Annual Reports, for SIGs wishing to be nominated for SIG of the Year award are due. NOTE: If your SIG is not applying - you must file your annual report by September 15. [2] SIG Member of the Year award nominations due. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: