From klabarre at Thu Sep 5 12:54:44 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 11:54:44 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] Reminder! SIG FY14 budgets due soon!! Election reminder Message-ID: Greetings, It has been great to see the ongoing election activity for SIG officers! Keep those elections in motion - SIG bylaws recommend that elections be complete by September 15th. Special thanks to all SIGs who have already submitted budgets and activity reports. REMINDER: FY14 SIG Budgets due 9/15. FY13 ends on September 30 - so be sure to spend your remaining allocation if you have not already done so. Please submit your budget report via the online form here: NOTE: FY14 begins on October 1, 2013 and ends September 30, 2014. (includes expenses for the 2013 annual meeting) Please contact Vanessa Foss vanessa at for costing information for expenses for SIG sponsored activities such as annual meeting workshops, or social events/refreshments, and any anticipated webinars or online tutorials so that your budget can accurately reflect anticipated expenses. Thirteen SIGs have signed up for a spot for their business meeting in Montreal - if you haven't done so please don't forget! Sign up here: (11/4 or 11/5) here: ASIST-AM PROGRAM: > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Fri Sep 13 17:36:04 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:36:04 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] How to order badge stickers for ASIST-AM -- DEADLINE OCTOBER 10! Message-ID: Remember those tiny (1x1) stickers your SIG has distributed at ASIST in the past, the ones people put on their conference badges? I'm happy so say that this program is alive again! Those of you with brand new logos can put them to good use in promoting your SIG. What will this cost? Stickers are provided at no cost to your SIG How do I order? No order need be placed. Follow these instructions: [1] Go to the ASIST website: [2] Locate your SIG and go to your SIGs landing page (example AH's landing page is [3] Is there a link to your SIG's website? If there isn't please send the URL to Jan so she can update your page. [4] The logo on your website will be used for the sticker. On October 10th Jan will collect whatever logo your SIG uses on your webpage and will use that image for the stickers she will make. If your webpage does not contain your logo - make sure it does by midnight on October 9th! If you don't have a webpage but you do have a logo - contact me at klabarre at All SIGs will receive stickers at ASIST-AM (even if you ignore this email). Questions? contact me off list. I already have SIG KM's logo. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From greenre at Mon Sep 16 12:34:37 2013 From: greenre at (Green,Rebecca) Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:34:37 +0000 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG/CR election results Message-ID: <> Dr. Jonathan Furner has been elected to the position of Chair-Elect for SIG/CR for the 2013-2014 year. Dr. Grant Campbell, current Chair-Elect, will assume the position of Chair. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arorissa at Mon Sep 16 15:10:09 2013 From: arorissa at (Rorissa, Abebe) Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:10:09 +0000 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG III Election results and list of officers Message-ID: Dear SIG III Members, Election of officers to the three vacant SIG III Officers' positions for 2013-2014 have just concluded. The following have been elected: Chair-elect: Mei-Mei Wu Co-chair elect: Shimelis Assefa Social Media Administrator: Yao Zhang Thank you for voting and congratulations to our newly elected officers! The complete list of officers for 2013-2014 (including those who will continue to serve in their current capacity) is: Chair: Anatoliy Gruzd Co-chair: Krystyna Matusiak Chair-elect: Mei-Mei Wu Co-chair elect: Shimelis Assefa Immediate past chair: Abebe Rorissa Immediate past co-chair: Kendra Albright Treasurer: Bahaa El-Hadidy Cabinet representative: Toni Carbo Newsletter editor: Sarah Emmerson Communications officer: Muhammed Sajid Mirza Yao Zhang SIG liaison officer: Yao Zhang International paper contest chair: Maqsood Shaheen International paper contest jury: Alma Rivera Fatih Oguz Mentorship coordinator: Sarah Emmerson InfoShare officers: Devendra Potnis Selenay Aytac Webmasters: Fatih Oguz Borchuluun Yadamsuren Social media administrators: Anindita Paul Yao Zhang SIG-III advisory board members: Michel Menou Toni Carbo Nadia Caidi Edie Rasmussen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From janeg at Mon Sep 16 15:19:57 2013 From: janeg at (Greenberg, Jane) Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:19:57 +0000 Subject: [Sig-l] news + SIG/CR election results Message-ID: <> Greetings - Please join me in congratulating Jonathan Furner as the SIG/CR chair elect. A few other notes ~ ? SIS/CR on the web: Folks may be aware that SIG/CR now has a Wordpress page @: With the exception of the 'message from the Cabinet' from March, all other news is in reverse chronological order, keeping folks up-to-date. Thank you to Melissa Adler and Emma Tonkin for their work + talent in launching this site. ? SIG/CR logo: We are still finessing a logo that appears there, so don't panic (it includes a platypus... per previous discussion. Look for magnets at this year's ASIST). ? SIG/CR Business Meeting + SIG/CR workshop/Big Data, Linked Data: Classification Research at the Junction: @ ASIST/Montreal: Business meeting, see: Last year was pretty wild; and, unfortunately, devastating for some, given Storm Sandy. Looking forward to SIG/CR folks gathering in Montreal at the workshop (, and via other ASIST forums. Best wishes, jane From: Sig-l [mailto:sig-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Green,Rebecca Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 12:35 PM To: sig-l at Subject: [Sig-l] SIG/CR election results Dr. Jonathan Furner has been elected to the position of Chair-Elect for SIG/CR for the 2013-2014 year. Dr. Grant Campbell, current Chair-Elect, will assume the position of Chair. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Thu Sep 19 11:56:32 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:56:32 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] Reporting and end of FY13 Message-ID: Greetings, Fiscal year 2013 is drawing to a close and will end on September 30. Fiscal year 2014 begins on October 1, 2014. Any SIG allocation amounts from FY13 that are unspent as of September 30 will be forfeit. All earned income will remain in your account. September 15th was the reporting deadline for SIG activities and budgets. I'm pleased to say that nine SIGs applied for the SIG of the year award: CR, DL, HFIS, HLTH, IFP, III, MET, SI and USE. 13/15 SIGs filled out their annual activity reports this year - in comparison only six were filed last year. SIG MGT and VIS - please contact me as soon as possible. Twelve SIGs have filed budgets for FY14 - with three budgets still outstanding [HFIS, MGT and VIS). I'm collating the budget information for the SIG cabinet.We'll be in touch with you soon with any questions. All but one SIG has signed up for a business meeting time slot [MGT - many slots still available!!]. This is the current listing: Please don't hestitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I'm pleased to see so many SIG officer elections ongoing!! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mramir14 at Tue Sep 24 11:34:53 2013 From: mramir14 at (Marisa L. Ramirez) Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:34:53 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Sig-l] 2013-14 SIG-DL Officers Election Results In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Dear ASIS&T and SIG-DL members, We are pleased to announce the newly-elected slate of SIG-DL officers. Your officers for 2013-2014 are: Chair-elect: Kevin Comerford Secretary/Treasurer: Elizabeth (Lizzy) Rolando Communications Officer: Tina Jayroe Membership Officer: Lyne Da Sylva Webmaster: Dot Porter To learn more about your SIG-DL officers, you can read their bios at Congratulations to the new officers! Marisa Ramirez SIG-DL Chair, 2012-2013 Susan Parham Wells SIG-DL Chair, 2011-2012 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Wed Sep 25 15:31:48 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:31:48 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG publication of the year - submit today!! Message-ID: Please submit your application for the SIG Publication of the Year award by midnight September 29th! (trying to get an extension!!) At this point only ONE SIG has applied and decisions will be made very soon! The link to the submission area is ; Guidelines for this award at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Wed Sep 25 16:31:28 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:31:28 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] PLEASE submit your nominations for SIG MEMBER OF THE YEAR award ASAP!! Message-ID: The SIG Cabinet asks that you submit your nomination for SIG Member of the Year as soon as possible. Deadline Midnight September 29th - we are trying for an extension since this is the first the award has been publicized this year. We only have ONE submission and I know SIGs have more than this to nominate!! More information Guidelines: Nomination Submission forms (deadline was August 15 - don't worry it is still live): -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Sat Sep 28 10:55:36 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 09:55:36 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] PLEASE submit your nominations for SIG MEMBER OF THE YEAR award ASAP!! In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Final reminder! Nominations are due this SUNDAY at midnight!! On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Kathryn La Barre wrote: > The SIG Cabinet asks that you submit your nomination for SIG Member of the > Year as soon as possible. Deadline Midnight September 29th - we are trying > for an extension since this is the first the award has been publicized this > year. We only have ONE submission and I know SIGs have more than this to > nominate!! > > More information > > > Guidelines: > > > Nomination Submission forms (deadline was August 15 - don't worry it is > still live): > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Sat Sep 28 10:57:34 2013 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 09:57:34 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] SIG publication of the year - submit today!! In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Final reminder! Nominations are due this SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT! On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Kathryn La Barre wrote: > Please submit your application for the SIG Publication of the Year award > by midnight September 29th! (trying to get an extension!!) > > At this point only ONE SIG has applied and decisions will be made very > soon! > > > The link to the submission area is > ; > Guidelines for this award at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kathryn.labarre at Sat Sep 28 11:20:50 2013 From: kathryn.labarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 10:20:50 -0500 Subject: [Sig-l] PLEASE submit your nominations for SIG MEMBER OF THE YEAR award ASAP!! In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: We found out yesterday that submissions for awards must be made in two parts - one for the citation and the second for the letters and materials in support of the nomination. This additional material must be in one file - either .doc or .pdf format. The database prevents uploading of multiple files (ASIST is looking into a new system for next year to replace the START system). On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Kathryn La Barre wrote: > The SIG Cabinet asks that you submit your nomination for SIG Member of the > Year as soon as possible. Deadline Midnight September 29th - we are trying > for an extension since this is the first the award has been publicized this > year. We only have ONE submission and I know SIGs have more than this to > nominate!! > > More information > > > Guidelines: > > > Nomination Submission forms (deadline was August 15 - don't worry it is > still live): > > > -- Kathryn La Barre Associate Professor Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: