[Sig-l] Looking for nominations for two folks to serve on the SIG of the Year award committee

Kathryn La Barre klabarre at illinois.edu
Tue Apr 30 22:39:41 EDT 2013

Thanks everyone! The slate is now filled.

Stasa Milojevic, and Heather Pfeiffer have volunteered to serve as SIG
representatives on the SIG of the year award committee. Your SIG cabinet
will be in touch in a few months to solicit SIG nominations for this award.


On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Kathryn La Barre <klabarre at illinois.edu>wrote:

> Greetings,
> This is an open call for nominations or expressions of interest for two
> positions on the SIG of the Year award committee. This is a two year term,
> and you may be reappointed once. If your SIG gets nominated, you would need
> to abstain from voting.
> The composition of the committee is below, materials for SIG of the year
> award are submitted August 15, consideration follows. More about the award:
> http://www.asis.org/awards/sigoftheyear.html
> Please contact me off list at klabarre at illinios.edu with the name of your
> nominee or your expression of interest. If there are more than two
> candidates we'll have a quick election.
> SIG of the Year****
>    6 Members; 5 voting [2 year term]****
>    (1)  Chair  SIG Cabinet Director****
>    (2)  Members  Elected by SIG Cabinet****
>    (1)  Member  Appointed by the Board****
>    (1)  Member  a past president; appointed by SIG Cabinet Director****
>    (1)  Member  Executive Director,****
>  (ex officio without vote)****
> .  Members may be reappointed once.
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