[Sig-l] Announcing winners of the InfoShare awards for 2012

Rorissa, Abebe arorissa at albany.edu
Mon Apr 2 16:58:41 EDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of all our fellow officers of the Special Interest Group for International Information Issues (SIG-III) of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), we are pleased to announce the winners of the InfoShare awards for 2012. (http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/index.htm)

Information professionals from developing countries, where the cost of ASIS&T membership would be a burden, are eligible to receive one year of membership. SIG-III officers vote on a roster of candidates nominated by ASIS&T colleagues or others. These memberships are funded by monies raised at the International Reception during the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. 2011 was a very successful year for the reception in New Orleans and we are thrilled to be able to offer memberships to 9 outstanding professional candidates and 3 student candidates:

Professional members:
1. Muhammad Sajid Mirza
2. Maqsood Shaheen
3. E. Ramesh
4. Amjid Khan
5. Ayman S. El-Dakroury
6. Dinesh Chandra
7. Kamani Perera
8. Ana María Talavera Ibarra
9. Najia  Abdallaoui Maan

Student members
1. Claudia Bucceroni Guerra
2. Muhammad Shafiq
3. Shafiq Ur Rehman

You can learn more about the winners at the InfoShare page of the SIG-III web site: (http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/index.htm)

Please welcome these new members into the ASIS&T community!

Abebe Rorissa
Devendra Potnis
Fatih Oguz
Abebe Rorissa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Information Studies
College of Computing and Information
University at Albany, State University of New York
Draper Hall, Room 113
135 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
E-mail: arorissa at albany.edu<mailto:arorissa at albany.edu>
Tel.: (518) 442-5123
Fax:  (518) 442-5367

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