[Sig-l] 2007 SIG of the Year Awards: SIG III and SIG DL

Pascal Vincent Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Fri Oct 12 14:07:22 EDT 2007


On behalf of the 2007 SIG of the Year jury, I am extremely pleased to 
award SIG of the Year to two exemplary ASIS&T SIGs, SIG International 
Information Issues (III) and SIG Digital Libraries (DL).  Please join me 
in congratulating their officers and members on the service and 
involvement that each of these SIGs provides their membership, worthy 
examples of thriving, active, engaged SIG communities with ASIS&T.

SIG International Information Issues continues to set the bar for 
everything that an ASIS&T SIG can and should be: deep involvement and 
participation with the membership, extensive outreach beyond the annual 
meeting, the annual InfoShare project which opens the world of ASIS&T to 
LIS researchers globally, and many more very excellent activities. Every 
SIG should be this connected to its membership! SIG III's outreach to 
the Society's international members, particularly in developing 
countries is very impressive. Their use of emerging technologies to 
extend ASIST to members virtually and to tease out potential topics for 
its annual Global Information Village Plaza Symposiums not only 
demonstrates creativity but a strong commitment to international 
scholarship and perspectives.

SIG Digital Libraries demonstrated an exciting scope of innovative 
initiatives over the past year befitting such a tech-saavy SIG such as 
theirs:  they used a wiki for both SIG and 2007 program planning; their 
communication with the membership is also superior; they conducted a 
usability study on their website in collaboration with students at SUNY 
Buffalo, have been leaders in exploring open access models of 
scholarship within our field, have consistently been very strong 
contributors to the Annual Meeting technical program, and demonstrated 
excellent planning for activities between annual meetings.

Congratulations to both of these SIGs, who have both demonstrated a year 
of activities very deserving of the 2007 SIG of the Year Award.  Both 
SIGs should be seen as models to emulate for all ASIS&T SIGs.

  Very best regards,

    - pascal

2007 SIG of the Year Award Jury:
Pascal Calarco, Deputy Director, SIG Cabinet
Beatrice Pulliam, Chair, SIG Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting (BWP)
Vicki Gregory, Direcor, SIG Cabinet

Pascal V. Calarco, MLIS
Head, Library Systems
University Libraries of Notre Dame/
Michiana Academic Library Consortium
Notre Dame, IN USA 46556-5629
tel.: 574-631-3409  fax: 574-631-6772

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