[Sig-l] STI Proposed Programs for ASIST 2004

Ann Eagan Ann.Eagan at NAU.EDU
Mon Nov 10 17:06:27 EST 2003

The following are the program ideas STI proposed for ASIST 2004.  These are 
in somewhat raw form as some discussion did take place at the All SIG 
planning meeting so a few of the co-sponsors are more firm than 
indicated.  I would certainly appreciate hearing from other SIGs as to 
their interest in co-sponsoring any programs or any ideas for speakers or 


Ann Eagan, Chair, STI

1) Reference services and knowledgebases: when is help helpful.

>>           The use and implications of knowledgebases within the context 
>> of digital reference projects in the sciences
>>Program coordinators: Gail Hodge, Pat Flanagan
>>Possible co-sponsors: CR, USE, KM
>>Possible contact: Michael Smith, chair KM
>>2) Trans-national bio-informatics initiatives
>>           Technical and research issues for genomics and proteomics 
>> databases that cross national boundaries.
>>Program coordinators: KT Vaughan, Gail Hodge
>>Possible co-sponsors: MED, III
>>Possible contact: Nancy Blaise UW For MED - actually contact Lauren 
>>Harrison at Roche.com
>>3) Project level metadata in digital libraries.
>>           Discussion of how to describe and manage groups of
>>collections of digital objects  .
>>Program coordinator: Gail Hodge
>>Possible co-sponsors: KM, DL, CR
>>4) Open Access Initiatives in the sciences
>>           A look at current projects and models, with an emphasis on 
>> institutional vs discipline based repositories.
>>Program coordinator: Deborah Helman
>>Possible co-sponsors: DL
>>5) Sociology of Scholarly Communication
>>           The social processes of the life cycle of information
>>Program coordinator: Jon Jablonski
>>Possible co-sponsors: HSIF
>>6) Physical infrastructure of research
>>           How high speed networking infrastructures are changing the way 
>> science gets done.
>>Program coordinators: Pat Flanagan, Brian Gray, Gail Hodge
>>7) Metasearch tools:  why some stick and some don't.
>>Program coordinator: Deborah Helman
>>Possible co-sponsors: LT, Standards Committee
>>Ann Eagan, Chair STI
>>Ann Eagan
>>ann.eagan at nau.edu
>>Head, Reference Services
>>Cline Library
>>Northern Arizona University
>>PO Box 6022
>>Flagstaff, AZ  86011-6022
>>(928) 523-0340 Fax: (928) 523-3770
>>Sigsti-l mailing list
>>Sigsti-l at asis.org

Ann Eagan
ann.eagan at nau.edu
Head, Reference Services
Cline Library
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 6022
Flagstaff, AZ  86011-6022
(928) 523-0340 Fax: (928) 523-3770 

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