From rhill at Thu Apr 2 14:08:45 2015 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 14:08:45 -0400 Subject: [Sig-bwp] Reminder am SUBMIT Submit deadlines 2015 ASIS&T Annual Meeting Message-ID: <381-2201544218845195@LEN-dick-2011> 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting November 6-10, 2015 - Hyatt Regency - St. Louis, MO USA Information Science with Impact: Research in and for the Community This year?s conference theme provides an opportunity for information science researchers ? including academics and practitioner researchers ? to discuss the impact of their research on industry, on government, on local/national/global community groups, on individuals, on information systems, on libraries/museums/galleries, and on other practice contexts. The theme highlights the introduction of a new conference focus on Applied Research, which recognizes that basic research in information science is also inspired by, and/or connected to, information practice contexts. Submissions are encouraged that present theoretical or applied research with results that demonstrate one or more of the following themes: Impact on Individuals Impact on Society Impact on Organizations Impact on Systems & Technology Impact on Information Contexts Important Dates Papers, Panels, Workshops & Tutorials Submissions: April 30, 2015 Notifications: June 11, 2015 Final copies: July 15, 2015 Posters, Demos & Videos: Submissions: July 1, 2015 Notifications: July 30, 2015 Final copies: August 20, 2015 Conference Chair: Lisa Given Paper Co-Chairs: Brian Detlor, Hazel Hall Panel Co-Chairs: Heather O'Brien, Alison Brettle Poster Co-Chairs: Lynn Westbrook, Michael Khoo Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From rhill at Fri Apr 10 15:45:39 2015 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 15:45:39 -0400 Subject: [Sig-bwp] CFP ASIS&T Lecture Series Message-ID: <381-220154510194539438@LEN-dick-2011> Deadline is September 30, 2015 for 2016 lecture, The ASIS&T Annual Lecture is intended to promote the progress of information science and technology through one annual lecture delivered by a noted information scientist (or a person with related interests and accomplishments). The award will be in the amount of $4,000. We anticipate that the monies would go approximately toward these expenses: ? $1,500 towards speaker travel and lodging ? $1,500 towards speaker honorarium ? $1,000 towards a reception and promotion activities Complete information at Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From rhill at Wed Apr 29 12:55:38 2015 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 12:55:38 -0400 Subject: [Sig-bwp] JASIST EDITOR-Cal for Proposals Message-ID: <381-220154329165538634@LEN-dick-2011> Position Description Editor Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) Nature of Position: The Editor?s foremost responsibility is to ensure the high quality and quantity of papers published in JASIST. The Editor solicits papers from appropriate individuals that fit the scope of JASIST, oversees the activities of the Associate Editors, Guest Editors, and Editorial Board to ensure that submitted papers are peer reviewed by appropriately qualified and experienced persons, and communicates promptly with authors to accept or reject manuscripts or to request revision in response to referees' reports. The Editor, in consultation with the Society, appoints and renews Editorial Board members for an agreed term to ensure that the Board?s composition is sufficiently international and broad in scope to maintain JASIST worldwide within its field, and communicates regularly (at least annually) with the Editorial Board concerning the development of the Journal, editorial strategy, submissions and promotion. The Editor assists the Publishers in promoting JASIST by advising on publicity and promoting the JASIST wherever possible through contacts and at conferences attended. The Editor is responsible for the intellectual workflow (e.g., using the electronic manuscript system, sequencing papers in issues) and insuring that the instructions to authors are followed (e.g., that copy is original, and has not been published elsewhere; that copy is not defamatory or otherwise unlawful, and that appropriate illustrations and tabular matter, permissions, and assignments of copyright are included). BACKGROUND REQUIREMENT OF INCUMBENT a) Education: Graduate Degree. b) Skills Required: The Editor must be a leader who has strong motivational, interpersonal, and communication skills. He or she must be highly motivated to publish a successful journal and recognize the broad scope of information science. A global perspective, flexibility, and diplomacy skills are required to encourage diverse and creative contributions and to arbitrate controversial issues and points of views. Knowledge of electronic communications and electronic manuscript management systems is essential. The Editor must be familiar with electronic publishing trends, issues of originality and reuse, and Open Access points of view and publishing economics. In additional to oversight abilities, the Editor must be willing and able to delegate. c) Term: The term for this position is five years. A limit of two terms is imposed. d) Relevant Experience: Substantial knowledge of JASIST and the field of information science. A record of scholarly publication. Prior editorship experience and/or editorial board experience with a comparable scholarly, technical, or scientific (refereed) journal is highly preferred. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications will be considered beginning on May 1, 2015 and until the position is filled. The recruitment and recommendation committee will consider applications beginning on July 1, 2015. A committee consisting of Donald Case, Kristin Eschenfelder, Gary Marchionini (Chair), Carole Palmer, and Ian Ruthven will review the applications and make a recommendation to the ASIST Board of Directors. Send inquiries and applications to (via email): JASIST Editor Search Committee c/o Richard Hill rhill at ASIS&T 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA The application package should include: A plan or vision statement that details the prospective course of action that the applicant projects to take to ensure that JASIST is a leading, influential voice in information science. It should include, but not be limited to, the following: ? Your publishing & editorial experience; ? Reasons why you would be specially qualified as EIC of this publication ? Your vision for information science: the directions it should take; its hot, warm, and cold areas; ? Your vision of the JASIST editorial board structure and function; ? Your experience with electronic manuscript management systems; ? Your understanding of ASIST, and your conception of the relationship of the journal to the members; ? Possible strategies for increasing JASIST submissions from adjoining fields; ? Possible weaknesses of JASIST and strategies for improving it: special sections, special issues, survey articles, special initiatives, etc. ? Methods to maintain rapid reviewing and response times; ? Other plans for improvement. Each applicant must also provide a detailed resume, listing all past and present affiliations, editorial positions held, and activities in professional societies and technical conferences. Further, each applicant should provide a complete list of publications, honors and awards received, and other information deemed relevant to the Editor position. Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900