[Sig-bwp] New book: WEB HISTORY

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Apr 13 11:13:20 EDT 2010

I have a co-authored chapter in this.  -jh , 
> ***Apologies for cross-postings***
> New book: WEB HISTORY
> Edited by Niels Brügger, Peter Lang Publishing, New York 2010
> Book synopsis
> ”This is the first edited volume to put the emerging field of web history on the agenda of internet research. Sixteen original chapters investigate how the use of the web has developed in the realm of web culture at large, as well as how the organization of web industries and old media institutions on the web have changed. A number of fundamental theoretical and methodological questions related to doing web history are also examined. The collection aims to explore some of the possible ways of approaching the web of the past, based on the assumption that the past is not only important for historical purposes, but because it must be taken into consideration in order to fully understand the web of the present and the web of the future. The book includes a foreword by Charles Ess and contributions from Kirsten Foot, Steven Schneider, Alexander Halavais, Ken Hillis, and more.”
> Read more on the publishers website: http://www.peterlang.com/index.cfm?vID=310468&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=2&vUUR=1
> Best,
> Niels Brügger
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> January 2010
> Website Analysis, Papers from The Centre for Internet Research, 12, The Centre for Internet Research, Aarhus 2010,
> [ get an electronic copy at: http://cfi.au.dk/en/publications/paper/#a12 ]
> November 2009
> Dræber dr.dk dagbladene?, www.kommunikationsforum.dk, 25. november, København 2009, 4 pages
> [ in Danish ]
> [  http://www.kommunikationsforum.dk/artikler/draeber-dr-dot-dk-dagbladene  ]
> March 2009
> Website history and the website as an object of study, New Media & Society, 11/1-2, Sage, London 2009, 115-132
> [ get an electronic copy at: http://nms.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/11/1-2/115?etoc ]
> You may want to join the mailing list webhistory at imv.au.dk at http://mail.imv.au.dk/mailman/listinfo/webhistory
> You may want to join the Facebook group "dr.dk's historie" [in Danish] at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=61000607153
> NIELS BRÜGGER, Associate Professor, PhD
> Institute of Information and Media Studies
> University of Aarhus
> Helsingforsgade 14
> 8200 Aarhus N
> Denmark
> Phone (switchboard)   +45 8942 1111
> Phone (direct)               +45 8942 9226
> Telefax                           + 45 8942 5950
> E-mail                             nb at imv.au.dk
> Webpage                       http://imv.au.dk/~nb
> Profile at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/50a/555
> Profile at Kommunikationsforum [in Danish]: www.kommunikationsforum.dk/Niels-Brugger
> The Centre for Internet Research               http://cfi.imv.au.dk
> The history of dr.dk, 1996-2006                  http://drdk.dk
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jeremy hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Virginia Tech
Information Ethics Fellow, Center for Information Policy Research, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (www.cipr.uwm.edu)


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