[Sig-bwp] Exemplar Professional Online Social Networks ?

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Wed May 20 18:27:17 EDT 2009



After my return from Ireland, where I will deliver four (4) keynote
presentations titled

_The Paradigms They Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And
Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile_


n.html ],


I will travel to Macon, Georgia to give the keynote at _InSite 2009:
Information Science + IT Education Joint Conference_ On June 12 2009






InSITE-Connect: A Model for Dynamic Interdisciplinary Interaction




As prominently stated on its homepage, the Informing Science Institute
is "an organization of colleagues helping colleagues ... [that] draw[s]
together people ... who teach, research, and use information
technologies to inform clients ... [and who] share their knowledge with
others," regardless of [their respective] disciplines." 


While its meetings and publications provide opportunities to
communicate, current and emerging online technologies have the potential
of facilitating greater collaboration between and among scholars and
their publics, regardless of location, time, or academic focus.


In this presentation, we will provide an overview of select online
professional and social networks, and describe the features and
functionalities that can foster more dynamic interaction within the
diverse InSITE communities. The presentation will conclude with a
demonstration of a proposed online professional network. 




I Am Greatly Interested In Learning Of Exemplar Professional /
Organizational / Society Social Networks Sites To Profile In This


IMHO One Of The Best Exemplar Professional Online Social Networks Is The
Recently Established Ning-Based _Conversants Conference/Conversation_
That Is Devoted To Participatory Librarianship. 


Please submit your recommendation as a Comment on the blog entry at 


[ http://tinyurl.com/qpfsk6  ]


BTW: Links To The InSite 2009 conference program / etc. are available
from the blog entry. 






Gerry McKiernan

Associate Professor

Science and Technology Librarian

Iowa State University Library

Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu         


There is Nothing More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come / Victor

[ http://www.blogger.com/profile/09093368136660604490  ]


Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows and the (North)West Wind Blows

[ http://alternativeenergyblogs.blogspot.com/    ]



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